Micrometer Prometheus
Since Camel 4.3
The camel-micrometer-prometheus is used for running Camel standalone (Camel Main), and to integrate with the Micrometer Prometheus Registry.
Auto-detection from classpath
To use this implementation all you need to do is to add the camel-micrometer-prometheus
dependency to the classpath, and turn on metrics in application.properties
such as:
# enable HTTP server with metrics
# turn on micrometer metrics
# include more camel details
# include additional out-of-the-box micrometer metrics for cpu, jvm and used file descriptors
List of known binders from Micrometer
The following binders can be configured with camel.metrics.binders
that comes out of the box from Micrometer:
Binder Name | Description |
| JVM class loading metrics |
| Apache Commons Pool 2.x metrics |
| File descriptor metrics gathered by the JVM |
| JVM compilation metrics |
| Garbage collection and GC pauses |
| Provides methods to access measurements of low pool memory and heavy GC overhead |
| JVM information |
| Utilization of various memory and buffer pools. |
| JVM threads statistics |
| JVM deadlocked threads statistics |
| Apache Log4j 2 statistics |
| Logback logger statistics |
| CPU processing statistics |
| Uptime statistics |