Experimenting extraction from unstructured data with Apache Camel and LangChain4j

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This blog is based on experiments done about extracting structured data into its structured counterpart. More precisely, in this post, we’ll give directions about how to convert a conversation transcript into a Java object. Introduction Reading articles like this over the net, it seems that folks have a lot of unstructured data at the disposal while not being able to take advantage on it. So probably, in the future we might expect to deal more and more with unstructured data extraction in integration flow.

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Kaoto v2.1 release

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After the previous 2.0 GA release, we are happy to announce the release of Kaoto 2.1, packed with exciting new features, bug fixes, and various improvements to enhance the user experience. This update introduces the capability to choose your preferred Runtime version among other notable upgrades. Read on to discover the key highlights of this release and how they can improve your workflow with Kaoto. New Features Catalog: Empower users to pick a runtime and specific version to display the right components with their precise configurations.

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Apache Camel 4.7 What's New

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Apache Camel 4.7 has just been released. This release introduces a set of new features and noticeable improvements that we will cover in this blog post. Camel Core The route template has some fixes and improvements, such as that a full local copy of the template is created when creating routes from the template; this prevents unforeseen side effects when the same template is used later to create new routes.

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