Camel Quarkus Examples

We offer several examples in Camel Quarkus examples repository. To learn how to use them, please follow the First steps chapter of the User guide.

Number of Examples: 25

Example Description

Artemis to ElasticSearch

Shows how the message is consumed from the Apache Artemis broker using MQTT protocol, transformed and loaded into ElasticSearch

Camel Quarkus CXF SOAP example

Shows how to use Camel CXF SOAP component.

Custom main()

Shows how to start Camel from a custom main() method

Deploying a Camel Route in AWS Lambda

Shows how to deploy a Camel Quarkus route as an AWS Lambda function

Extract, Transform and Load between two databases

Shows how to extract, transform and load between two databases


Shows how to use Camel FHIR with Quarkus.

File consumer with Bindy & FTP

Shows how to consume CSV files, marshal & unmarshal the data and send it onwards via FTP

HTTP with vanilla JAX-RS or with Camel platform-http component

Shows how to create HTTP endpoints using either the RESTEasy


Shows how to use Camel health-checks with Quarkus.


Shows how to run a Camel Quarkus application that supports JTA transactions on three external transactional resources: a database (MySQL), a messaging broker (Artemis) and a simulated XAResource which can demonstrate the commit, rollback and crash recovery.

JPA idempotent repository

Shows how to consume a message only once, even when the message is delivered multiple times


Shows how to run a Camel Quarkus application that supports JTA transactions on two external transactional resources: a database (MySQL) and a simulate XAResource which can demonstrate the commit, rollback and crash recovery.

Kafka example

Shows how to produce and consume messages in a Kafka topic, using Strimzi Operator

Kamelet Chuck Norris

Shows how you can build a simple Kamelet and use with your Camel applications.

Leader election in Kubernetes: A Camel Quarkus Master example

Shows how to use Camel master component.

Message Bridge

Shows how to configure AMQ and IBM MQ clients to use the connection pooling and XA transactions.


Demonstrates how to add support for metrics, health checks and distributed tracing

OpenAPI Contract First

Shows how to run with Contract First OpenAPI.

Platform HTTP security with Keycloak

Shows how to secure platform HTTP with Keycloak

REST with Jackson

Demonstrates how to create a REST service using the Camel REST DSL and Jackson.

Saga and LRA

Shows how to use saga and lra

Timer Hello World

Uses the Camel timer component to output a Hello world message to the console

Tokenize a CSV file

Shows how to define a Camel route in XML for tokenizing a CSV a file.

Unstructured Data Extraction with LangChain4j

Shows how to convert unstructured text data to structured Java objects helped with a Large Language Model and LangChain4j

Vertx-Websocket Chat

Shows how to configure a WebSocket server and interact with connected peers.