Create a new example project

This guide outlines how to contribute a new example project to camel-quarkus-examples.

  1. You should know how to build.

  2. Make sure that nobody else works on the same example project already by searching through the GitHub issues or search the examples label.

  3. Let others know that you work on the given example by either creating a new issue or asking to assign an existing one to you.

  4. Clone camel-quarkus-examples and check out the camel-quarkus-main branch.

  5. Scaffold a new example project using the cq-maven-plugin. For example, to add a new project named yaml-to-log:

    cd camel-quarkus-examples
    mvn org.l2x6.cq:cq-maven-plugin:create-example -Dcq.artifactIdBase="yaml-to-log" -Dcq.exampleName="YAML To Log" -Dcq.exampleDescription="Shows how to use a YAML route with the log EIP"


    • cq.artifactIdBase is the Maven artifactId to use on the project. It’s also used as the directory name for the generated project.

    • cq.exampleName is a short descriptive name of the project. If you choose not to provide this, it’ll be determined from the value of cq.artifactIdBase.

    • cq.exampleDescription is a longer description of the project.

  6. If the plugin execution completes successfully, change into the new project directory. You can test the project build with mvn clean test.

    You may now add your own routes, tests and README documentation. There are some TODO comments that show where to do this.