
JVM since1.1.0 Native since3.2.0

JMX management strategy and associated managed resources.

Maven coordinates

Or add the coordinates to your existing project:


Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.


For information on using Managed Beans in Camel, consult the JMX section of the Camel Manual.

Enabling and Disabling JMX

JMX can be enabled or disabled in Camel-Quarkus by any of the following methods:

  1. Adding or removing the camel-quarkus-management extension.

  2. Setting the camel.main.jmxEnabled configuration property to a boolean value.

  3. Setting the system property -Dorg.apache.camel.jmx.disabled to a boolean value.

Native mode

If you want the native application to be discoverable by tools such as JConsole and VisualVM, add the following configuration to


For more information, refer to the Quarkus native guide.

Camel Quarkus limitations

Native mode

JMX in GraalVM is still experimental. Therefore, some features are not available in native mode.

  • Operations for MBean java.lang:type=Threading are not fully implemented. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain details about application threads.

  • Various MBean attributes do not have their values implemented. For example, the ClassCount attribute values for MBean java.lang:type=ClassLoading are fixed at 0