
JVM since1.0.0 Native since1.0.0

Sent and receive messages to/from an Apache Kafka broker.

What’s inside

Please refer to the above link for usage and configuration details.

Maven coordinates

Or add the coordinates to your existing project:


Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.


Quarkus Kafka Dev Services

Camel Quarkus Kafka can take advantage of Quarkus Kafka Dev services to simplify development and testing with a local containerized Kafka broker.

Kafka Dev Services is enabled by default in dev & test mode. The Camel Kafka component is automatically configured so that the brokers component option is set to point at the local containerized Kafka broker. Meaning that there’s no need to configure this option yourself.

This functionality can be disabled with the configuration property quarkus.kafka.devservices.enabled=false.

Additional Camel Quarkus configuration

Configuration property Type Default

If true then any Kafka configuration properties discovered by the Quarkus Kubernetes Service Binding extension (if configured) will be merged with those set via Camel Kafka component or endpoint options. If false then any Kafka configuration properties discovered by the Quarkus Kubernetes Service Binding extension are ignored, and all of the Kafka component configuration is driven by Camel.



Configuration property fixed at build time. All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime.