REST OpenApi

JVM since1.0.0 Native since1.0.0

To call REST services using OpenAPI specification as contract.

What’s inside

Please refer to the above link for usage and configuration details.

Maven coordinates

Or add the coordinates to your existing project:


Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.


Required Dependencies

A RestProducerFactory implementation must be available when using the rest-openapi extension. The currently known extensions are:

  • camel-quarkus-http

  • camel-quarkus-netty-http

Maven users will need to add one of these dependencies to their pom.xml, for example:


Depending on which mechanism is used to load the OpenApi specification, additional dependencies may be required. When using the file resource locator, the org.apache.camel.quarkus:camel-quarkus-file extension must be added as a project dependency. When using ref or bean to load the specification, not only must the org.apache.camel.quarkus:camel-quarkus-bean dependency be added, but the bean itself must be annotated with @RegisterForReflection.

When using the classpath resource locator with native code, the path to the OpenAPI specification must be specified in the quarkus.native.resources.includes property of the file. For example:
