Hashicorp Vault Trait
Deprecated since2.5.0 The Hashicorp Vault trait can be used to use secrets from Hashicorp Vault
The Hashicorp Vault trait is disabled by default.
For more information about how to use secrets from Hashicorp vault take a look at the components docs: Hashicorp Vault component
A sample execution of this trait, would require the following trait options: -t hashicorp-vault.enabled=true -t hashicorp-vault.token="token" -t hashicorp-vault.port="port" -t hashicorp-vault.engine="engine" -t hashicorp-vault.port="port" -t hashicorp-vault.scheme="scheme"
The trait is deprecated and will removed in future release versions: configure directly the Camel properties as required by the component instead. |
This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.
Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:
$ kamel run --trait hashicorp-vault.[key]=[value] --trait hashicorp-vault.[key2]=[value2] integration.yaml
The following configuration options are available:
Property | Type | Description |
| Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property. |
| Enables automatic configuration of the trait. |
| The Host to use |
| The Port to use |
| The Hashicorp engine to use |
| The token to access Hashicorp Vault. This could be a plain text or a configmap/secret The content of the hashicorp vault token is expected to be a text containing a valid Hashicorp Vault Token. Syntax: [configmap|secret]:name[/key], where name represents the resource name, key optionally represents the resource key to be filtered (default key value = hashicorp-vault-token). |
| The scheme to access Hashicorp Vault |