Upgrading Camel K

Camel K is delivering new features with each new release, so, you’ll be probably running the upgrade process quite often. OLM installation method gives you the possibility to even perform this operation automatically, selecting the auto-upgrade feature when installing. Here we’re providing the steps required for non-OLM installation procedure. This is working when using CLI but it can be adapted to any other installation methodology.

When a new release is available, you need to perform a forcefully installation on top of the existing installation. This is required in order to upgrade the CRDs and any other configuration required by the new operator. You need to replace your kamel CLI binary with the new one released. Once you have replaced your kamel you can proceed with the installation:

kamel install --force --olm=false

This operation will install all the required configuration for the new operator version, replacing the previous one. Mind that the Integration resources running won’t be affected, so they will keep running with the default runtime details provided in the previous operator version.

CRD Upgrades (Helm upgrade)

Generally, when upgrading a patch or a minor version, we may introduce slight non-breaking compatibility changes in CRDs. These changes should be onboarded with the installation procedure you’re using (CLI, OLM). However, you may want to control the upgrade of CRDs (for instance, upgrading in Helm, which, does not support CRDs upgrade out of the box). In this case, before doing the upgrade, you’ll need to manually upgrade the CRDs, in order to use the new parameters expected by the new operator you’re upgrading to. For Helm, this would turn in an operation like the following one:

# Upgrade the CRDs
$ curl -LO "https://github.com/apache/camel-k/raw/main/docs/charts/camel-k-x.y.z.tgz"
$ tar xvzf camel-k-x.y.z.tgz
$ kubectl replace -f camel-k/crds
# Upgrade the `camel-k` Deployment
$ helm upgrade camel-k/camel-k --version x.y.z

Refresh integrations

Once the operator is up to date, you may want to refresh the Integration resources with the new default configuration provided by the upgraded operator (for instance, the default runtime). In such case you’ll need to run a kamel rebuild operation for each integration you want to update, or kamel rebuild --all if you want to upgrade all the Integrations at once.

we suggest a controlled approach and rebuild one integration after another.

Stick runtime version

Since Camel K version 2, we’re able to run any Camel K runtime version from the same operator. However, if you upgrade and you rebuild an Integration, this one will be rebuilt using the default runtime version of the new operator. In order to stick to a runtime fixed version you need to use the Camel trait and the runtime-version property, which pin the exact runtime version to use, regardless the default one used by the operator:

kamel run /tmp/Test.java -t camel.runtime-version=1.17.0
kamel install --force //ie, version 2.0.0
kamel rebuild test
kamel logs test
[1] 2023-04-13 13:38:43,648 INFO  [org.apa.cam.k.Runtime] (main) Apache Camel K Runtime 1.17.0