Camel K CLI: kamel

In the previous section you have learnt how to run an Integration custom resource. In this page you will learn a simple utility we release beside the operator, the kamel CLI.

Releases of the Camel K CLI are available on:

So, pick yours, set in your operating system path and be ready to run some Camel K Integration. The kamel cli will reuse the same cluster configuration you have set for your cluster via kubectl, oc or any other tool. So, you can log in to the cluster via those CLI and then using kamel afterwards.

Let’s try some application by creating a file with the following content.

- from:
    uri: "timer:tick?period=3000"
      - setBody:
          constant: "Hello world from Camel K"
      - to: "log:info"
you can also use Camel JBang and initialize any Camel DSL via camel init run-hello.yaml

You can now run it on the cluster by executing:

kamel run run-hello.yaml

Monitoring the application status

Camel K integrations follow a lifecycle composed of several steps before getting into the Running state. You can check the status of all integrations by executing the following command:

kamel get

Log the standard output

Once the application is running you can check the content of the Pods log by executing:

kamel logs hello
if the above example failed, have a look at how to troubleshoot a Camel K Integration.

Running in dev mode

Camel K provides a specific flag for quickly iterating on integrations during development and have fast feedbacks on the code you’re writing. It’s called dev mode. Differently from other frameworks, artifacts generated by Camel K in dev mode are no different from the one you run in production. Dev mode is just a helper to let you be quicker during development. To enable dev mode, just add the --dev flag when running the integration:

kamel run examples/languages/ --dev

The --dev flag deploys immediately the Integration and shows the Integration logs in the console. You can then change the code and see the changes automatically applied (instantly) to the remote Integration Pod. The console follows automatically all redeploys of the integration.

Here’s an example of the output:

$ kamel run examples/languages/ --dev
integration "sample" created
integration "sample" in phase Initialization
integration "sample" in phase Building Kit
integration "sample" in phase Deploying
integration "sample" in phase Running
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:43.918 INFO  [main] DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 3.0.0 (CamelContext: camel-k) is starting
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:43.919 INFO  [main] DefaultManagementStrategy - JMX is disabled
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:44.099 INFO  [main] DefaultCamelContext - StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:44.109 INFO  [main] DefaultCamelContext - Route: route1 started and consuming from: timer://tick
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:44.116 INFO  [main] DefaultCamelContext - Total 1 routes, of which 1 are started
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:44.119 INFO  [main] DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 3.0.0 (CamelContext: camel-k) started in 0.199 seconds
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:44.123 INFO  [main] ApplicationRuntime - Listener org.apache.camel.k.listener.RoutesDumper@2b6faea6 executed in phase Started
[1] 2019-12-16 11:33:45.127 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - timer://tick] route1 - Hello Camel K!

Dry Run

The CLI is a simple yet powerful facility which will do a lot of heavy lift for you, transforming a Camel route into an Integration specification which will be watched and reconciled by the operator. However, sometimes you don’t want to apply the result of an execution on the cluster. You may want only to check how the route is transformed or you want to run the conversion and apply the result later.

Dry Run is the mode you can find on kamel run. If you have familiarity with Kubernetes, you will see we use the same approach used by kubectl, exposing a -o parameter which accepts either yaml or json. The presence of this feature will let you simplify any deployment strategy (including GitOps) as you can just get the result of the Integration which will be eventually executed by the Camel K Operator.

we make use of stderr for many CLI warning and this is automatically redirected to stdout to show immediately the result of any error to the user. If you’re running any automation, make sure to redirect the stderr to any channel to avoid altering the result of the dry run, Ie kamel run /tmp/ -o yaml 2>/dev/null.

As an example, take the option available on the kamel run test.yaml -t prometheus.enabled=true -o yaml command:

kind: Integration
  annotations: camel-k
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: test
  - from:
        period: "1000"
      - setBody:
          constant: Hello Camel from yaml
      - log: ${body}
      uri: timer:yaml
      enabled: true
status: {}

This can be saved for future processing (ie, stored to a GIT repository and later deployed to a cluster via some GitOps deployment strategy). Consider that any modeline option will be translated accordingly.

Camel K Modeline

Integration files can contain modeline hooks that allow to customize the way integrations are executed via command line. For example:
// camel-k: (1)

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;

public class Hello extends RouteBuilder {
  public void configure() throws Exception {
        .bean( (2)
1 Modeline import of Maven library
2 Usage of a business logic class from the external library

When the integration code above is executed using the kamel run CLI command, the modeline options declared in the file are appended to the list of arguments that are passed to the command.

The kamel CLI will alert you, printing the full command in the shell:

$ kamel run
Modeline options have been loaded from source files
Full command: kamel run --dependency

Multiple options can be specified for an integration. For example, the following modeline options enables 3scale and limits the integration container memory:
// camel-k: trait=3scale.enabled=true trait=container.limit-memory=256Mi (1)

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;

public class ThreeScaleRest extends RouteBuilder {

  public void configure() throws Exception {
1 Enables both the container and 3scale traits, to expose the route via 3scale and limit the container memory.

All options that are available for the kamel run command can be specified as modeline options. The following is a partial list of useful options:

Table 1. Useful Modeline Options
Option Description


Add a build time property or properties file (syntax: [my-key=my-value|file:/path/to/]


Add a runtime configuration from a Configmap, Secret or file (syntax: [configmap|secret|file]:name[/key], where name represents the local file path or the configmap/secret name and key optionally represents the configmap/secret key to be filtered)


An external library that should be included, e.g. for Maven dependencies


Set an environment variable in the integration container, e.g. env=MY_VAR=my-value


Add a label to the integration pod, e.g.,


The integration name


Add an OpenAPI v2 spec (file path)


Trait profile used for deployment


Add a runtime property or properties file (syntax: [my-key=my-value|file:/path/to/])


Add a runtime resource from a Configmap, Secret or file (syntax: [configmap|secret|file]:name[/key][@path], where name represents the local file path or the configmap/secret name, key optionally represents the configmap/secret key to be filtered and path represents the destination path)


Configure a trait, e.g. trait=service.enabled=false

Run an Integration from the Internet

The kamel cli will allow you to run any application available on the Internet. Just run kamel run https://path/to/route.yaml and the CLI will take care to recover the route remotely. It is also possible to run Integrations from a GitHub repository or Gist with dedicated URL syntax:

kamel run github:$user/$repo/$path?branch=$branch

As example, running the following command

kamel run github:apache/camel-k-examples/generic-examples/languages/

Declaring the branch query param is not required and defaults to master if not explicit set.

Similar approach is used for the Gists:

kamel run${user-id}/${gist-id}
kamel run gist:${gist-id}

Camel k will add any file that is part of the Gist as a source. As example, assuming there are two files listed as part of a Gist, beans.yaml and routes.yaml, then the following command:

kamel run gist:${gist-id}

is equivalent to:

kamel run \${user-id}/${gist-id}/raw/${...}/beans.yaml \${user-id}/${gist-id}/raw/${...}/routes.yaml
GitHub applies rate limiting to its APIs and as Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit, the kamel honour the env var GITHUB_TOKEN and if it is found, then it is used for GitHub authentication.