Apache Camel 4.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 4.x to 4.y. For example, if you are upgrading Camel 4.0 to 4.2, then you should follow the guides from both 4.0 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.2.

Upgrading Camel 4.4 to 4.5


Camel startup summary will now report total number of routes without (internal routes created by Kamelets or Rest DSL). This ensures the total number better reflect the total number of user created routes. The summary now includes a separate number of Kamelets and Rest DSL routes. See also the camel-kamelet section.

The following deprecated methods from the AbstractCamelContext, deprecated on 4.2 as part of CAMEL-19998, were finally removed:

  • setTypeConverter

  • getOrCreateTypeConverter

  • setManagementMBeanAssembler

  • getRestRegistryFactory

  • setRestRegistryFactory

  • setTransformerRegistry

  • setValidatorRegistry

  • setName

  • setDescription

  • getBootstrapFactoryFinder

  • getFactoryFinder

  • addInterceptStrategy

  • getStartupStepRecorder

  • setStartupStepRecorder

  • resolvePropertyPlaceholders

  • getBasePackageScan

  • setBasePackageScan

Users of these methods should use the respective operations from the ExtendedCamelContext (accessed via getCamelContextExtension()), instead.

The following deprecated methods from the CamelContext, deprecated on 4.4 as part of CAMEL-20225, were finally removed and/or modified:

  • getUptime: modified to return a regular Duration instance.

  • getUptimeMillis: removed.

  • getStartDate removed.

Users of this method should proceed as following:

  • getUptime: use ContextHelper.getUptime.

  • getUptimeMillis: use getUptime().toMillis().

  • getStartDate: use ContextHelper.getStartDate.

Rest DSL

Camel has changed the default value for inlineRoutes=false to inlineRoutes=true in restConfiguration. It is very typical to define Rest DSL and for each service api, then call a Camel route via direct endpoints. By inlining these two, then you only have 1 route in Camel instead of 2. This helps reduce the clutter of routes that otherwise is in use when using Rest DSL and many services. You can restore to old behaviour by setting the option back to inlineRoutes=false.

However, the inlining requires that each REST endpoint inlined with direct endpoints must use unique direct names, ie.


Should be changed to:


Or to keep old behaviour, you can turn off inlining.

Rest DSL will now eagerly resolve property placeholders that are used during building the rest: endpoint.

For example with a Rest DSL using a placeholder (app.mypath = helloapp) in the path:

- rest:
    path: "{{app.mypath}}"
      - to: direct:demo

Will not be resolved in the rest endpoint which can be seen during startup logging:

Routes startup (total:2)
Started demo (rest://post:%7B%7Bapp.mypath%7D%7D)

The placeholder is now resolved eagerly, and you will see nicer startup logs such as:

Routes startup (total:2)
Started demo (rest://post:helloapp)

The restConfiguration has changed default value in the useXForwardHeaders option from true to false. Using X-Forward headers is only used in special use-cases such as involving reverse proxies.

Avro Data Format

The default library for the avro data format has changed from Apache Avro to Jackson Avro. We also use Jackson as default for the JSon dataformat.

Intercept EIP

The interceptFrom and interceptSentToEndpoint EIPs is now storing the intercepted endpoint using key Exchange.INTERCEPTED_ENDPOINT as exchange property instead of a header.


String uri = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.INTERCEPTED_ENDPOINT, String.class);


String uri = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.INTERCEPTED_ENDPOINT, String.class);

camel-bom / camel-spring-boot-bom

The Camel Maven BOMs (camel-bom and camel-spring-boot-bom) has been changed to use hardcoded Camel release versions to ensure the BOM is always correct.


The options camel.main.backlogTracing, camel.main.backlogTracingStandby, and camel.main.backlogTracingTemplates has been moved into a new group camel.trace with more options to configure the backlog tracer.

To enable backlog tracing you should now set camel.trace.enabled=true instead of camel.main.backlogTracing=true.


The @DevConsole annotation has been enhanced to include more information.

Migrate from



@DevConsole(name = "stub", description = "Browse messages on stub endpoints")

We also renamed the route-curcuit-breaker console to circuit-breaker.


The --profile option on export command has been removed.

The --profile option on run command is now used by camel-main to choose profile mode when running Camel with JBang, or standalone with Camel Main. The default mode is dev for development which comes with some additional features enabled in Camel to gather more information that are relevant for development and the Camel JBang CLI.

You can run with --profile=prod to turn off all of this, which makes Camel run more similar to a production situation.

The command camel generate rest have removed all the shorthand arguments such as `-i -o instead use the long names --input --output.

The shorthand -p option from run and script command has been removed. Use --prop instead.


The camel-jsonpath will now work more similar as camel-jq when you specify a resultType and have a list of entities. Before camel-jsonapath would attempt to convert the List to the given restultType which often is not usable. What users want is to be able to convert each entry in the list to a given type such as a POJO.

For example, the snippet below selects all books from a JSON document, which will be in a List<Map> object where each book is an entry as a Map. Before Camel would attempt to convert List to Book which would not be possible. From this release onwards, Camel will convert each entry to a Book so the result is List<Book>.

This is also how camel-jq works.

.transform().jsonpath(".book", Book.class)


Routes created by Kamelets are no longer registered as JMX MBeans to avoid cluttering up with unwanted MBeans, as a Kamelet is intended to act like a Camel component, despite its implementation is Camel routes. This means that the number of routes listed from JMX will no longer include Kamelet routes.

The old behaviour can be enabled by setting registerRoutesCreateByKamelet=true on the ManagementAgent object. See more in the JMX documentation.

camel-micrometer and camel-metrics

The camel-micrometer have renamed tag serviceName to kind and use naming that indicate that its from Camel:









Because the Kamelets were changed to act more like a Camel component, and not expose internal details as JMX MBeans, then micrometer and metrics no longer include statistics for those Kamelet routes.

The old behaviour can be enabled by setting registerRoutesCreateByKamelet=true on the ManagementAgent object. See more in the JMX documentation.

Added context level metrics to camel-micrometer. The metrics with key camel.route.policy now include tag eventType that specifies if the metrics is for a route or the entire camel context. You can turn off context level metrics, by setting contenxtEnabled=false on the factory such as:


This can also be done easily from application.properties such as:


camel-openapi-java and camel-rest-openapi

Dropped support for the old Swagger 2.0 spec. Only OpenAPI v3 specs is supported now. Fixed maven dependencies to be JakartaEE compatible.

When using Rest DSL and have api-doc enabled via camel-rest and camel-openapi-java, then the OpenAPI specification is now generated once during startup instead of on-demand when a client calls the /api-doc endpoint.


Added a Cookie Handler allowing the addition, retrieval and expiry of Cookies.


Upgraded Apache Shiro from 1.13 to 2.0.


Upgraded to Twilio 10.1.0 which removed call-feedback and call-feedback-summary from the available APIs, to use from Camel.

camel-elasticsearch / camel-opensearch

The class org.apache.camel.component.opensearch.aggregation.BulkRequestAggregationStrategy has been renamed to org.apache.camel.component.opensearch.aggregation.OpensearchBulkRequestAggregationStrategy The class org.apache.camel.component.es.aggregation.BulkRequestAggregationStrategy has been renamed to org.apache.camel.component.es.aggregation.ElastichsearchBulkRequestAggregationStrategy


The class org.apache.camel.component.redis.processor.idempotent.RedisIdempotentRepository has been renamed to org.apache.camel.component.redis.processor.idempotent.SpringRedisIdempotentRepository The class org.apache.camel.component.redis.processor.idempotent.RedisStringIdempotentRepository has been renamed to org.apache.camel.component.redis.processor.idempotent.SpringRedisStringIdempotentRepository

Camel Spring Boot

The autoconfiguration with camel.springboot.xxx properties has been harmonized to use same naming for all the Camel runtimes (camel-main, camel-quarkus, and camel-spring-boot). These options have been marked as deprecated, and you can migrate to use camel.main.xxx naming instead.

For example, camel.springboot.name = Foo to camel.main.name = Foo.

Only the special Spring Boot options are still named camel.springboot.xxx.