Apache Camel 4.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 4.x to 4.y. For example, if you are upgrading Camel 4.0 to 4.2, then you should follow the guides from both 4.0 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.2.

Upgrading Camel 4.10 to 4.11


Recipient List, Split and Multicast EIP

In parallel processing mode, you can also enable synchronous=true to force these EIPs to process the sub-tasks using the upper bounds of the thread-pool. If using synchronous=false then Camel will allow its reactive routing engine to use as many threads as possible, which may be available due to sub-tasks using other thread-pools such as CompletableFuture.runAsync or others.

Setting synchronous=true is the same behaviour is in Camel 2 which did not have the reactive routing engine.

WireTap and OnCompletion EIP

When MDC is enabled, then the WireTap and OnCompletion (in parallel mode) will now propagate MDC context when creating threads to process the exchanges. This makes these EIPs similar to how other EIPs such as Multicast EIP already does this.


Added removeTraits method to org.apache.camel.Message.

Added bind method that accepts Supplier for the bean and also accepts init and destroy methods, to the org.apache.camel.spi.Registry interface.


The attachments have been refactored to be stored internally as a message trait, and the org.apache.camel.attachment.AttachmentMessage is only a facade to provide end user access to the fine-grained Attachment APIs. The underlying message implementation such as DefaultMessage in the Exchange is un-affected when converting from Message to AttachmentMessage via:

AttachmentMessage am = exchange.getMessage(AttachmentMessage.class);
am.addAttachment("message1.xml", new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(new File("src/test/data/message1.xml"))));

The class org.apache.camel.attachment.AttachmentMap has been removed. Removed getDelegateMessage method from org.apache.camel.attachment.AttachmentMessage.


The header Exchange.BEAN_METHOD_NAME with constant value CamelBeanMethodName has been deprecated, and support for using this header has been removed. Instead, you can specify the method option directly as shown, or using any other header of your choosing as follows.



Remove the deprecated camel.main.lightweight option that was not in use.

file based components

The file based component such as camel-file, camel-ftp, camel-smb, and camel-azure-files has been improved to allow optimized dynamic poll when using dynamic fileName header.

This change means that there is a new DynamicPollingConsumer API the consumer implements. And as such some APIs inside these components has been changed.

This will only affect if you have built your own custom Camel component on top of camel-file. And if so, your custom code may need to be changed slightly as well.


The file name header Exchange.FILE_NAME now includes the relative path such as subdir/hello.txt when using recursive=true, to be similar to how camel-file component behaves.


The camel-as2 component has been made more tooling friendly to configure options.

The option signedReceiptMicAlgorithms is changed from a String[] to a single String using comma to separate algorithm names.

The option ediMessageType is changed from ContentType into two options as String fields. This allows to define the content-type and charset separately and more user-friendly.


The camel-kafka option recordMetadata has changed default from true to false.


The option lazy-bean has changed to be default true when exporting to make the export work in more situations out of the box.

From this version onward the export command add the camel-observability-services dependency (which includes telemetry, metrics, health and JMX management services out of the box).

The --health and --metrics flags of run command have been deprecated in favor of the newly --observe flag which add the camel-observability-services dependency (hence including telemetry, metrics, health and JMX management out of the box). For the run command, this has to be explicitly enabled (ie, camel run …​ --observe).


When inserting or updating many rows in batch=true mode (producer) then this component has been optimized to execute the entire batch operation in a single transaction; by turning off auto-commit on the SQL Connection, and doing a manual commit or rollback. This can dramatically improve performance on some databases. The old behaviour can be restored by setting the batchAutoCommitDisabled=false on the component or endpoint.


This deprecated component was removed in this release.


The org.apache.camel.component.platform.http.PlatformHttpHeaderFilterStrategy class has been removed. Use the org.apache.camel.http.base.HttpHeaderFilterStrategy


The org.apache.camel.component.undertow.UndertowHeaderFilterStrategy class has been deprecated. The default header filter strategy is now the org.apache.camel.http.base.HttpHeaderFilterStrategy