Apache Camel 4.x Upgrade Guide
This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 4.x to 4.y. For example, if you are upgrading Camel 4.0 to 4.2, then you should follow the guides from both 4.0 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.2.
Upgrading from 4.10.1 to 4.10.2
Recipient List, Split and Multicast EIP
In parallel processing mode, you can also enable synchronous=true
to force these EIPs to process the sub-tasks using the upper bounds of the thread-pool. If using synchronous=false
then Camel will allow its reactive routing engine to use as many threads as possible, which may be available due to sub-tasks using other thread-pools such as CompletableFuture.runAsync
or others.
Setting synchronous=true
is the same behaviour is in Camel 2 which did not have the reactive routing engine.
The header Exchange.BEAN_METHOD_NAME
with constant value CamelBeanMethodName
has been deprecated, and support for using this header has been removed. Instead, you can specify the method
option directly as shown, or using any other header of your choosing as follows.
When inserting or updating many rows in batch=true
mode (producer) then this component has been optimized to execute the entire batch operation in a single transaction; by turning off auto-commit on the SQL Connection, and doing a manual commit
or rollback
. This can dramatically improve performance on some databases. The old behaviour can be restored by setting the batchAutoCommitDisabled=false
on the component or endpoint.
Upgrading from 4.10.0 to 4.10.1
Added removeTraits
method to org.apache.camel.Message
Added bind
method that accepts Supplier
for the bean and also accepts init and destroy methods, to the org.apache.camel.spi.Registry
The attachments have been refactored to be stored internally as a message trait, and the org.apache.camel.attachment.AttachmentMessage
is only a facade to provide end user access to the fine-grained Attachment APIs. The underlying message implementation such as DefaultMessage
in the Exchange
is un-affected when converting from Message
to AttachmentMessage
AttachmentMessage am = exchange.getMessage(AttachmentMessage.class);
am.addAttachment("message1.xml", new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(new File("src/test/data/message1.xml"))));
The class org.apache.camel.attachment.AttachmentMap
has been removed. Removed getDelegateMessage
method from org.apache.camel.attachment.AttachmentMessage
Upgrading Camel 4.9 to 4.10
XML DSL changes
In <intercept
> and <interceptSendToEndpoint>
then <when>
has been renamed to <onWhen>
For example:
Should now be:
In <circuitBreaker
the <onFallback>
section must be configured last.
For example:
<resilience4jConfiguration timeoutEnabled="true" timeoutDuration="2000"/>
<constant>Fallback message</constant>
<to uri="direct:foo"/>
Should now be:
<resilience4jConfiguration timeoutEnabled="true" timeoutDuration="2000"/>
<to uri="direct:foo"/>
<constant>Fallback message</constant>
And inheritErrorHandler
has been moved from <loadBalance>
to <failoverLoadBalancer
which is the only load balancer support this option.
For example:
<loadBalance inheritErrorHandler="true">
<failoverLoadBalancer maximumFailoverAttempts="3" roundRobin="true"/>
Should now be:
<failoverLoadBalancer maximumFailoverAttempts="3" roundRobin="true" inheritErrorHandler="true"/>
The error handling when using kamelets has been refactored to let Kamelets re-use the same error handling that are from the route where the kamelets are being used. Previously Kamelets did not have any error handling.
Suppose you have kamelets that would cause an exception during processing, such as the source below. Now because the route has been configured with a dead letter channel as the error handler, then the exception from the kamelet will be handled by the route error handler. Which means you will se a WARN being logged.
Previously the exception would not be handled by the route error handler, and the kamelet source would always fail internally and cause a WARN being logged. Meaning that you did not have any power to handle these errors.
Now the kamelets are first class and gives users the full power to handle errors as they see fit.
- route:
deadLetterUri: log:dead?level=WARN
id: myRoute
uri: "kamelet:my-error-source/source"
- log: "${body}"
This change has most an effect on source Kamelets. For sink or action Kamelets, then any error would be propagated back to the route, that could still handle the error. However, if the error handler is configured to perform retries, then the retry would be starting all over again calling the sink Kamelet. This change will let the error handler perform retries at the original of the error (also inside the Kamelet), the same as regular Camel routes.
So suppose you have the following route:
- route:
deadLetterUri: log:dead?level=WARN
maximumRedeliveries: 5
redeliveryDelay: "5000"
id: myRoute
uri: "direct:start"
- to:
uri: "kamelet:my-error-sink/sink"
- log: "${body}"
Then notice the error handler has been configured to do redeliveries up till 5 times with 5 sec delay between. Suppose the sink kamelet is throwing an exception, then Camel will now perform the redelivery attempt at the point of origin, which means inside the Kamelet. Previously the redelivery will only happen at the route level, calling the kamelet all over again.
The option noErrorHandler
has changed default from true
to false
. You should only use this option if you want to turn on error handling inside Kamelets all together. However, this should only be used in advanced/rare use-cases. This option may in the future be deprecated and removed.
The class org.apache.camel.component.file.azure.FilesHeaders
has been renamed to org.apache.camel.component.file.azure.FilesConstants
The header CamelAwsS3BucketName
for setting a bucket to write to, on the producer side, cannot be used anymore: the header CamelAwsS3OverrideBucketName
must be used instead. This was done to avoid situation in which you’re moving a file from a bucket to a different one, and the header coming from the S3 consumer is used as bucket name for S3 Producer. You can find more information on CAMEL-21680.
The camel-file
consumer has been optimized when filtering file names using name matching only, to avoid creating an GenericFile
object that represent the file. This is unnessasary if the file is to be excluded due the filtering.
This optimization has changed APIs in the camel-file
component to let methods that accept GenericFile
as parameter, has been changed to use a Supplier<GenericFile>
to lazy create the wrapper.
Camel users who have created 3rd party component extending camel-file
may need to migrate your components.
The header CamelGoogleCloudStorageBucketName
for setting a bucket to write to, on the producer side, cannot be used anymore: the header CamelGoogleCloudStorageOverrideBucketName
must be used instead. This was done to avoid situation in which you’re moving a file from a bucket to a different one, and the header coming from the Google Storage consumer is used as bucket name for Google Storage Producer. You can find more information on CAMEL-21682.
The cluster lock has been removed as it has been removed in JGroups 5.4 onwards, and it was not recommended to be used in older JGroups releases. You can use another Camel component such as camel-infinispan
that has cluster locking.
The camel-jgroups-cluster-service-starter
in Camel Spring Boot has been removed.
The camel-jbang commands for camel-k
has been removed.
The camel dependency update
has removed the option --source
to specify the source file, but to refer to the source file directly such as:
camel dependency update --source=MyRoute.java
to be camel dependency update MyRoute.java
We have fixed a flawed behavior when using dynamic endpoints which made the generation of endpoint events to grow in an uncontrolled way. From now on the component will generate events for the endpoint base URI as a default behavior. If you still want to collect events for the extended URI (including the parameters), then, you can use the camel.metrics.baseEndpointURIExchangeEventNotifier=false
configuration. Mind that this is strongly discouraged as it can make your number of events growing out of control.
If using object codec, then you should configure the objectCodecPattern
configuration to specify which java classes (FQN) to allow for Object serialization. You can use *
to accept all patterns.
The header CamelMinioBucketName
for setting a bucket to write to, on the producer side, cannot be used anymore: the header CamelMinioOverrideBucketName
must be used instead. This was done to avoid situation in which you’re moving a file from a bucket to a different one, and the header coming from the Minio consumer is used as bucket name for Minio Producer. You can find more information on CAMEL-21678.
The component camel-google-pubsub-lite
has been deprecated following the deprecation of the corresponding service by Google Cloud Platform.
Google recommends migrating your Pub/Sub Lite service to either Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka or Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Depending on your choice, you should use camel-kafka
or camel-google-pubsub component
, respectively.
We have deprecated the setting of MDC trace_id
and span_id
in favour of implementation specific feature. You need to check the specific tracing/telemetry component configuration to learn how to switch from the deprecated configuration to the new one. Most of the time you will need to remove the camel.main.use-mdc-logging
Camel property (or set it to false
) and add dependencies and configuration settings to enable the specific component instrumentation.
The function calling feature was removed. Please use the camel-langchain4j-tools
component for function calling.
The camel-smb
component has been updated to extend GenericFile
classes and now supports more consumer and producer options. The Consumer includes options for filtering, pre and post processing, duplicate handling, directory traversal, polling, and readlocks. The Producer includes options for writing to temporary files, writing content, and handling existing files.
The camel-solr
component has been refactored. The solrs
and solrCloud
schemes have been deprecated in the uri format (but can still be enabled via the enableSSL and solrClient configuration options). The solr operations have been simplified and some solr operations will be no longer be available in the next release. For those operations, a warning message will tell you how to get the same results with the new operations. The Solr component exchange headers have been renamed and extended. As a consequence, the user should review the use of the Solr exchange headers and rename them when applicable.
All the solr headers has been renamed to use CamelSolr
as prefix, such as operation
→ CamelSolrOperation