Apache Camel 3.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 3.x to 3.y. For example if you are upgrading Camel 3.0 to 3.2, then you should follow the guides from both 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.

Upgrading Camel 3.16 to 3.17


Stream Caching

We have enabled Stream Caching by default on CamelContext. The reason is that Camel users may often hit this problem without knowing what is causing this, and blaming it on Apache Camel.

This means that Camel would automatically cache message bodies that are based on java.util.InputStream such as often seen with HTTP components. This makes it safe to log the message body, and elsewhere.

The cost is a tiny overhead in the routing engine as Camel will automatic type convert to StreamCache if needed. Users can turn this off:

CamelContext context = ...

Or via Camel Main / Camel K / Quarkus:


Or in Spring Boot


And in legacy Spring XML or OSGi Blueprint:

<streamCaching enabled="true" .../>

We also changed the default settings for stream caching to not spool to disk, meaning that the cache is an in-memory on cache.

To enable spool to disk, you can configure this as follows:

CamelContext context = ...

Or via Camel Main / Camel K / Quarkus:


Or in Spring Boot


And in legacy Spring XML or OSGi Blueprint:

<streamCaching spoolEnabled="true" .../>


Camel now reports DOWN when Camel is being stopped, during the graceful shutdown process. This ensures that Camel reports that it’s not ready to accept new traffic.


Added method findRouteResourcesFromDirectory to org.apache.camel.main.RoutesCollector.


Removed deprecated spec/flows and spec/flow from the kamelet yaml loader. Must use spec/template as key for the kamelet template.

Removed endpoint-dsl notation which was not well known, causing problems for tools, and yaml-validation against the json-schema standard.

For example the following notation:

- from:
    uri: "direct:start"
      - to:
            topic: cheese
            brokers: mykafka:1234

Should be change to:

- from:
    uri: "direct:start"
      - to:
          uri: "kafka:cheese?brokers=mykafka:1234"


- from:
    uri: "direct:start"
      - to:
          uri: "kafka"
            topic: "cheese"
            brokers: "mykafka:1234"

camel-spring-xml / camel-blueprint

The error handling has been made universal and exposed generally in the camel-core-model with intent to align error handling across DSLs.

However, the XML DSL for Spring <beans> and OSGi blueprint is legacy, and they have their own special XML parsing and error handling.

This means the model classes has been renamed, which only affect Camel end users whom has defined error handling as <bean> in Spring or Blueprint XML files:

  • org.apache.camel.builder.DeadLetterChannelBuilder to org.apache.camel.builder.LegacyDeadLetterChannelBuilder

  • org.apache.camel.builder.DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder to org.apache.camel.builder.LegacyDefaultErrorHandlerBuilder

  • org.apache.camel.builder.NoErrorHandlerBuilder to org.apache.camel.builder.LegacyNoErrorHandlerBuilder

  • org.apache.camel.spring.spi.TransactionErrorHandlerBuilder to org.apache.camel.spring.spi.LegacyTransactionErrorHandlerBuilder

Users who has been configured error handling using <errorHandler> in Spring or Blueprint XML files should not be affected.

camel-cdi / camel-cdi-jta

The class org.apache.camel.cdi.CdiRouteBuilder has been removed as you can use jtaTransactionErrorHandler builder methods from camel-core instead.

The class org.apache.canel.jta.JtaTransactionErrorHandlerBuilder has been removed, as the JTA error handler builder can be used with the jtaTransactionErrorHandler from camel-core-model.


The option autoCommitOnStop was removed from the Camel Kafka component. When using autoCommitEnable (which is enabled by default) the Kafka consumer will automatically commit on close.

When the autoCommitEnable is turned off, the component issues a call to the respective commit manager during shutdown.

Asynchronous, Synchronous or NO-OP commit policies from the former autoCommitOnStop are now determined by automatically by the value of the kafkaManualCommitFactory option:

  • NO-OP is the default behavior if no kafkaManualCommitFactory is provided

  • Async can be set using kafkaManualCommitFactory=#class:org.apache.camel.component.kafka.consumer.DefaultKafkaManualAsyncCommitFactory

  • Sync can be set using kafkaManualCommitFactory=#class:org.apache.camel.component.kafka.consumer.DefaultKafkaManualCommitFactory

The deprecated constructors for the kafkaManualCommitFactory have been removed. The constructor should now receive the following parameters:

CamelExchangePayload camelExchangePayload, KafkaRecordPayload kafkaRecordPayload, CommitManager commitManager


The configuration for body handler file uploads has changed from true to false. The configuration can be enabled via the VertxPlatformHttpServerConfiguration class.

camel-opentracing / camel-opentelemetry

We aligned the MDC keys with OpenTelemetry, so they are changed from:

  • traceIdtrace_id

  • spanIdspan_id


This component was refactored to support the Resume API v2. As such, the options filter and lastUpdate where removed.

    .resumable().resumeStrategy(new UpdatedDateFilter(new Date()))

More complex filters can be implemented by extending the UpdatedDateFilter or by implementing a new EntryFilter resume strategy.


The support for the Camel XML configuration import, that had been marked as deprecated in previous releases, was removed.


When using OSGi Blueprint with CXF endpoints defined in their own namespace as below, then you must use depends-on to refer to the ID of the <camelContext>.

Notice how we must use depends-on="VerySimple-context" in the cxf:cxfEndpoint to refer to the CamelContext.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<osgi:blueprint xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"

	<camel:camelContext id="VerySimple-context">
		<camel:route id="VerySimple-route">
			<camel:from uri="VerySimple"/>
			<camel:to uri="log:proxy.VerySimple"/>

	<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="VerySimple" depends-on="VerySimple-context" address="http://localhost:8088/VerySimple" serviceName="tns:VerySimple" endpointName="tns:VerySimplePort" wsdlURL="file:deploy/VerySimple.wsdl" xmlns:tns="http://www.talend.org/service/">
			<osgi:entry key="dataFormat" value="PAYLOAD"/>



The underlying JSch library has been updated (CAMEL-17835) to a more secure and actively maintained fork which has removed key types and algorithms that rely on SHA1. For information on how these can be restored, consult the SFTP component documentation.


When using skipQueueDeclare=true you now must also set skipQueueBind=true to skip both declaring and binding the queue.

Deprecated Components

The following components that had been marked as deprecated, were removed in this release:

  • camel-atomix

  • camel-beanstalk

  • camel-beanio

  • camel-etcd

  • camel-elsql

  • camel-ganglia

  • camel-nsq

  • camel-hystrix

  • camel-jing

  • camel-leveldb-legacy

  • camel-msv

  • camel-nagios

  • camel-ribbon

  • camel-sip

  • camel-soroush

  • camel-tagsoup

  • camel-yammer