Load Balance

The Load Balancer Pattern allows you to delegate to one of a number of endpoints using a variety of different load balancing policies.

Built-in load balancing policies

Camel provides the following policies out-of-the-box:

Policy Description

Custom Load Balancer

To use a custom load balancer implementation.

Failover Load Balancer

In case of failures the exchange will be tried on the next endpoint.

Round Robin Load Balancer

The destination endpoints are selected in a round-robin fashion. This is a well known and classic policy, which spreads the load evenly.

Random Load Balancer

The destination endpoints are selected by random.

Sticky Load Balancer

Sticky load balancing using an Expression to calculate a correlation key to perform the sticky load balancing.

Topic Load Balancer

Topic which sends to all destinations.

Weighted Loader Balancer

Uses a weighted load distribution ratio for each server with respect to others.