
Since Camel 3.5

The OpenTelemetry component is used for tracing and timing incoming and outgoing Camel messages using OpenTelemetry.

Events (spans) are captured for incoming and outgoing messages being sent to/from Camel.


The configuration properties for the OpenTelemetry tracer are:

Option Default Description



A name uniquely identifying the instrumentation scope, such as the instrumentation library, package, or fully qualified class name. Must not be null.


Sets exclude pattern(s) that will disable tracing for Camel messages that matches the pattern. The content is a Set<String> where the key is a pattern. The pattern uses the rules from Intercept.



Sets whether the header keys need to be encoded (connector specific) or not. The value is a boolean. Dashes are required for instances to be encoded for JMS property keys.



Setting this to true will create new OpenTelemetry Spans for each Camel Processors. Use the excludePattern property to filter out Processors

Using Camel OpenTelemetry

Include the camel-opentelemetry component in your POM, along with any specific dependencies associated with the chosen OpenTelemetry compliant Tracer.

To explicitly configure OpenTelemetry support, instantiate the OpenTelemetryTracer and initialize the camel context. You can optionally specify a Tracer, or alternatively it can be implicitly discovered using the Registry

OpenTelemetryTracer otelTracer = new OpenTelemetryTracer();
// By default, it uses the DefaultTracer, but you can override it with a specific OpenTelemetry Tracer implementation.
// And then initialize the context
You would still need OpenTelemetry to instrument your code, which can be done via a Java agent.

Using with standalone Camel

If you use camel-main as standalone Camel, then you can enable and use OpenTelemetry without Java code.

Add camel-opentelemetry component in your POM, and configure in

camel.opentelemetry.enabled = true
# you can configure the other options
# camel.opentelemetry.instrumentationName = myApp

The configuration alone provide a NOOP default implementation, which is only useful for testing purposes as it will always create the same trace and span. In order to leverage an easy configuration you can also use the OpenTelemetry zero code SDK autoconfiguration. With this approach you will need to add the io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure to your Camel main application, and start the application with the following system properties:

$ java -Dotel.metrics.exporter=none -Dotel.traces.exporter=none -Dotel.logs.exporter=none -jar my-app.jar
you will need to check the SDK manual to configure according to your specific needs.

Spring Boot

When running on Spring Boot, add the camel-opentelemetry-starter dependency to get started.

There are several ways to configure instrumentation of your Camel application running on Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry. The first and easiest one is by using the OpenTelemetry Java agent. The other one is through Spring Boot’s Actuator. We’ll cover both.

Java Agent

Download the latest version.

This package includes the instrumentation agent as well as instrumentation for all supported libraries and all available data exporters. The package provides a completely automatic, out-of-the-box experience.

Enable the instrumentation agent using the -javaagent flag to the JVM.

java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar \
     -jar myapp.jar

By default, the OpenTelemetry Java agent uses OTLP exporter configured to send data to OpenTelemetry collector at http://localhost:4318.

Configuration parameters are passed as Java system properties (-D flags) or as environment variables. See the configuration documentation for the full list of configuration items. For example:

java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar \ \
     -Dotel.traces.exporter=otlp \
     -jar myapp.jar

Spring Boot Auto-Configuration

When using opentelemetry with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:

  <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

The component supports 4 options, which are listed below.

Name Description Default Type


Global option to enable/disable OpenTelemetry integration, default is true.




Activate or deactivate dash encoding in headers (required by JMS) for messaging.



Sets exclude pattern(s) that will disable tracing for Camel messages that matches the pattern. Multiple patterns can be separated by comma.



Setting this to true will create new OpenTelemetry Spans for each Camel Processors. Use the excludePattern property to filter out Processors.


Spring Boot’s Actuator

To have Spring Boot’s Actuator configure OpenTelemetry, you need to add org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator and io.micrometer:micrometer-tracing-bridge-otel to your project. OpenTelemetry’s Tracer will then be configured through spring-boot-starter-actuator unless a Tracer is already defined.

Noteworthy: by default, this will sample only 10% of requests to prevent overwhelming the trace backend. Set the property management.tracing.sampling.probability to 1.0 if you want to see all traces.


You’ll probably want to configure at least one SpanExporter as they allow you to export your traces to various backends (e.g., Zipkin and Jaeger), or log them. For example, to export your traces to Jaeger using OTLP via gRPC, add io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-otlp as a dependency to your project. To configure it, you can use the management.otlp.tracing properties or register a new SpanExporter bean yourself:

public SpanExporter OtlpGrpcSpanExporter(@Value("${tracing.url}") String url) {
    return OtlpGrpcSpanExporter.builder().setEndpoint(url).build();

Spring Boot’s Actuator will take care of the wiring for you.

Alternatively if you just want to log your traces in OTLP JSON format, add io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-logging-otlp as a dependency to your project and also register a new SpanExporter bean:

public SpanExporter logTraces() {
    return OtlpJsonLoggingSpanExporter.create();

Multiple SpanExporters can be used at the same time.

MDC Logging

You can add Mapped Diagnostic Context tracing information (ie, trace_id and span_id) adding the specific Opentelemetry Logger MDC auto instrumentation. The configuration depends on the logging framework you’re using.

Customizing OpenTelemetry spans

In rare circumstances, it may be desirable to apply advanced customizations to the OpenTelemetry Span generated by the Camel OpenTelemetryTracer.

To do this, you can provide a custom implementation of SpanCustomizer and either set it explicitly on the OpenTelemetryTracer, or bind it to the Camel registry, where it will be automatically resolved by the tracer upon initialization.

Note that care should be taken when configuring parents & links to avoid breaking the relationship between spans & traces.

public class MySpanCustomizer implements SpanCustomizer {
    public void customize(SpanBuilder spanBuilder, String operationName, Exchange exchange) {
        spanBuilder.setAttribute("foo", "bar");
        // other customizations...

    // By default, all spans will have customizations applied. You can restrict this by overriding isEnabled
    public boolean isEnabled(String operationName, Exchange exchange) {
        String header = exchange.getMessage().getHeader("foo", String.class);
        return operationName.equals("my-message-queue") && header.equals("bar");