Miscellaneous Components
Number of Miscellaneous Components: 56 in 56 JAR artifacts (2 deprecated)
Component | Artifact | Support Level | Since | Description |
camel-attachments | Stable | 3.0 | Support for attachments on Camel messages | |
camel-aws-xray | Stable | 2.21 | Enable Distributed tracing using AWS XRay | |
camel-azure-schema-registry | Stable | 4.2 | Azure Schema Registry Component for utilities to deal with authentication | |
camel-cli-connector | Stable | 3.19 | Runtime adapter connecting with Camel CLI | |
camel-cloudevents | Stable | 3.15 | Camel support for the CloudEvents specification | |
camel-csimple-joor | Stable | 3.7 | jOOR compiler for csimple language | |
camel-cxf-transport | Stable | 2.8 | Camel Transport for Apache CXF | |
camel-debug | Stable | 3.15 | Enables Camel Route Debugging | |
camel-dsl-modeline | Stable-deprecated | 3.16 | Camel DSL Camel K modeline | |
camel-elytron | Stable-deprecated | 3.1 | Elytron Security Provider for camel-undertow | |
camel-headersmap | Stable | 2.20 | Fast case-insensitive headers map implementation | |
camel-jasypt | Stable | 2.5 | Security using Jasypt | |
camel-java-joor-dsl | Stable | 3.9 | Camel Java DSL with jOOR | |
camel-xml-jaxb-dsl | Stable | 3.9 | Camel DSL with YAML | |
camel-jfr | Stable | 3.8 | Diagnose Camel applications with Java Flight Recorder | |
camel-jta | Stable | 3.4 | Using Camel With JTA Transaction Manager | |
camel-kamelet-main | Preview | 3.11 | Main to run Kamelet standalone | |
camel-langchain4j-tokenizer | Experimental | 4.8 | LangChain4j Tokenizer | |
camel-leveldb | Stable | 2.10 | Using LevelDB as persistent EIP store | |
camel-lra | Preview | 2.21 | Camel saga binding for Long-Running-Action framework | |
camel-mail-microsoft-oauth | Stable | 3.18.4 | Camel Mail OAuth2 Authenticator for Microsoft Exchange Online | |
camel-main | Stable | 3.0 | Camel Main | |
camel-observation | Stable | 3.21 | Observability using Micrometer Observation | |
camel-micrometer-prometheus | Stable | 4.3 | Camel Micrometer Prometheus for Camel Main | |
camel-microprofile-config | Stable | 3.0 | Bridging Eclipse MicroProfile Config with Camel properties | |
camel-microprofile-fault-tolerance | Stable | 3.3 | Circuit Breaker EIP using MicroProfile Fault Tolerance | |
camel-microprofile-health | Stable | 3.0 | Expose Camel health checks via MicroProfile Health | |
camel-observability-services | Preview | 4.9 | Camel Observability Services | |
camel-openapi-java | Stable | 3.1 | Rest DSL support for using OpenApi doc | |
camel-openapi-validator | Stable | 4.7 | OpenAPI validator for Camel Rest DSL | |
camel-opentelemetry | Stable | 3.5 | Distributed tracing using OpenTelemetry | |
camel-platform-http-jolokia | Stable | 4.5 | Jolokia plugin for standalone Camel HTTP Platform | |
camel-platform-http-main | Stable | 4.0 | Platform HTTP for standalone Camel Main applications | |
camel-platform-http-vertx | Stable | 3.2 | Implementation of the Platform HTTP Engine based on Vert.x Web | |
camel-reactive-executor-tomcat | Experimental | 3.17 | Reactive Executor for camel-core using Apache Tomcat | |
camel-reactive-executor-vertx | Experimental | 3.0 | Reactive Executor for camel-core using Vert.x | |
camel-reactor | Stable | 2.20 | Reactor based back-end for Camel’s reactive streams component | |
camel-redis | Preview | 3.5 | Aggregation repository using Redis as datastore | |
camel-resilience4j | Stable | 3.0 | Circuit Breaker EIP using Resilience4j | |
camel-resourceresolver-github | Stable | 3.11 | Resource resolver to load files from GitHub | |
camel-rxjava | Stable | 2.22 | RxJava based back-end for Camel’s reactive streams component | |
camel-shiro | Stable | 2.5 | Security using Shiro | |
camel-spring-main | Stable | 3.2 | Camel Spring Main support | |
camel-spring-security | Stable | 2.3 | Security using Spring Security | |
camel-spring-xml | Stable | 3.9 | Camel Spring with XML DSL | |
openapi-java | 3.14 | Springdoc Swagger UI for openapi-java in spring boot | ||
camel-test-junit5 | Stable | 3.0 | Camel unit testing with JUnit 5 | |
camel-test-main-junit5 | Stable | 3.16 | Camel unit testing with Main and JUnit 5 | |
camel-test-spring-junit5 | Stable | 3.0 | Camel unit testing with Spring and JUnit 5 | |
camel-threadpoolfactory-vertx | Experimental | 3.5 | ThreadPoolFactory for camel-core using Vert.x | |
camel-tracing | Stable | 3.5 | Distributed tracing common interfaces | |
camel-undertow-spring-security | Stable | 3.3 | Spring Security Provider for camel-undertow | |
camel-wal | Stable | 3.20 | Write Ahead Log Strategy for Resume API | |
camel-xml-io-dsl | Stable | 3.9 | Camel DSL with XML | |
camel-yaml-dsl | Stable | 3.9 | Camel DSL with YAML |