Hazelcast Atomic Number

JVM since1.1.0 Native since1.6.0

Increment, decrement, set, etc. Hazelcast atomic number (a grid wide number).

What’s inside

Please refer to the above links for usage and configuration details.

Maven coordinates

Or add the coordinates to your existing project:


Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.

SSL in native mode

This extension auto-enables SSL support in native mode. Hence you do not need to add quarkus.ssl.native=true to your application.properties yourself. See also Quarkus SSL guide.

Additional Camel Quarkus configuration

This extension leverages Hazelcast Client for Quarkus. The configuration of the HazelcastInstance is managed by the extension. To configure Hazelcast Instance, check the Hazelcast Client for Quarkus guide.

Please note that the camel-quarkus-hazelcast component works only with the client mode.

To use the Hazelcast instance in the camel-quarkus-hazelcast component, you should configure the component with :

  • The HazelcastInstance initialized by the Hazelcast Client for Quarkus

  • The component mode as : "client"

Example of configuration for HazelcastMap component:

    HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance;

    HazelcastDefaultComponent hazelcastMap() {
        final HazelcastMapComponent hazelcastComponent = new HazelcastMapComponent();
        return getHazelcastComponent(hazelcastComponent);

You may want to check the integration test in our source tree as an example.