AWS S3 Source
Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"
Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Stable"
Receive data from an Amazon S3 Bucket.
The basic authentication method for the S3 service is to specify an access key and a secret key. These parameters are optional because the Kamelet provides a default credentials provider.
If you use the default credentials provider, the S3 client loads the credentials through this provider and doesn’t use the basic authentication method.
Two headers will be duplicated with different names for clarity at sink level, CamelAwsS3Key will be duplicated into aws.s3.key and CamelAwsS3BucketName will be duplicated in
Configuration Options
The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the aws-s3-source
Property | Name | Description | Type | Default | Example |
Bucket Name | Required The S3 Bucket name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN). | string | |||
AWS Region | Required The AWS region to access. Enum values: * ap-south-1 * eu-south-1 * us-gov-east-1 * me-central-1 * ca-central-1 * eu-central-1 * us-iso-west-1 * us-west-1 * us-west-2 * af-south-1 * eu-north-1 * eu-west-3 * eu-west-2 * eu-west-1 * ap-northeast-3 * ap-northeast-2 * ap-northeast-1 * me-south-1 * sa-east-1 * ap-east-1 * cn-north-1 * us-gov-west-1 * ap-southeast-1 * ap-southeast-2 * us-iso-east-1 * ap-southeast-3 * us-east-1 * us-east-2 * cn-northwest-1 * us-isob-east-1 * aws-global * aws-cn-global * aws-us-gov-global * aws-iso-global * aws-iso-b-global | string | |||
Access Key | The access key obtained from AWS. | string | |||
Autocreate Bucket | Specifies to automatically create the S3 bucket. | boolean | false | ||
Delay | The number of milliseconds before the next poll of the selected bucket. | integer | 500 | ||
Auto-delete Objects | Specifies to delete objects after consuming them. | boolean | true | ||
Destination Bucket | Define the destination bucket where an object must be moved when moveAfterRead is set to true. | string | |||
Destination Bucket Prefix | Define the destination bucket prefix to use when an object must be moved, and moveAfterRead is set to true. | string | |||
Destination Bucket Suffix | Define the destination bucket suffix to use when an object must be moved, and moveAfterRead is set to true. | string | |||
Force Path Style | Forces path style when accessing AWS S3 buckets. | boolean | false | ||
Ignore Body | If true, the S3 Object body is ignored. Setting this to true overrides any behavior defined by the | boolean | false | ||
Max Messages Per Poll | Gets the maximum number of messages as a limit to poll at each polling. Gets the maximum number of messages as a limit to poll at each polling. The default value is 10. Use 0 or a negative number to set it as unlimited. | integer | 10 | ||
Move Objects After Delete | Move objects from S3 bucket to a different bucket after they have been retrieved. | boolean | false | ||
Endpoint Overwrite | Select this option to override the endpoint URI. To use this option, you must also provide a URI for the | boolean | false | ||
Prefix | The AWS S3 bucket prefix to consider while searching. | string | folder/ | ||
Profile Credentials Name | If using a profile credentials provider this parameter will set the profile name. | string | |||
Secret Key | The secret key obtained from AWS. | string | |||
Session Token | Amazon AWS Session Token used when the user needs to assume a IAM role. | string | |||
Overwrite Endpoint URI | The overriding endpoint URI. To use this option, you must also select the | string | |||
Default Credentials Provider | If true, the S3 client loads credentials through a default credentials provider. If false, it uses the basic authentication method (access key and secret key). | boolean | false | ||
Profile Credentials Provider | Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a profile credentials provider. | boolean | false | ||
Session Credentials | Set whether the S3 client should expect to use Session Credentials. This is useful in situation in which the user needs to assume a IAM role for doing operations in S3. | boolean | false |
At runtime, the aws-s3-source
Kamelet relies upon the presence of the following dependencies:
Camel JBang usage
You’ve installed JBang.
You have executed the following command:
jbang app install camel@apache/camel
Supposing you have a file named route.yaml with this content:
- route:
uri: "kamelet:aws-s3-source"
- to:
uri: "kamelet:log-sink"
You can now run it directly through the following command
camel run route.yaml
AWS S3 Source Kamelet Description
Authentication methods
In this Kamelet you have the possibility of avoiding the usage of explicit static credentials by specifying the useDefaultCredentialsProvider option and set it to true.
The order of evaluation for Default Credentials Provider is the following:
Java system properties -
. -
Environment variables -
. -
Web Identity Token from AWS STS.
The shared credentials and config files.
Amazon ECS container credentials - loaded from the Amazon ECS if the environment variable
is set. -
Amazon EC2 Instance profile credentials.
You have also the possibility of using Profile Credentials Provider, by specifying the useProfileCredentialsProvider option to true and profileCredentialsName to the profile name.
Only one of access key/secret key or default credentials provider could be used
For more information about this you can look at AWS credentials documentation
Usage examples
You could consume the bucket content and directly delete the object once consumed
- route:
uri: "kamelet:aws-s3-source"
useDefaultCredentialsProvider: true
region: "eu-west-1"
bucketNameOrArn: "kamelets"
- to:
uri: "kamelet:log-sink"
This kind of approach will ensure the object will be consumed just one time and after the consumption it will be deleted from the S3 bucket.
The deleteAfterRead
property is true by default.
If you set the property to false you’ll consume the same set of objects multiple times and you’ll have to deal with managing the situation.
The ignoreBody
option is set to false by default, but you have the possibility to enable it. With that option set you’re going to ignore the file payload and just consume the object metadata.
You could also define a prefix
parameter. With that set you’re going to consume only files starting with that prefix. As an example you could have:
- route:
uri: "kamelet:aws-s3-source"
useDefaultCredentialsProvider: true
region: "eu-west-1"
bucketNameOrArn: "kamelets"
prefix: "foo/"
- to:
uri: "kamelet:log-sink"
By using the prefix foo/
the files consumed will only come from the folder named foo