Kafka Not Secured with Apicurio Registry Source
Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"
Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Preview"
Receive data from Kafka topics on an insecure broker combined with Apicurio Registry.
Configuration Options
The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the kafka-apicurio-registry-not-secured-source
Property | Name | Description | Type | Default | Example |
Apicurio Registry URL | Required The Apicurio Schema Registry URL. | string | |||
Bootstrap Servers | Required Comma separated list of Kafka Broker URLs. | string | |||
Topic Names | Required Comma separated list of Kafka topic names. | string | |||
Allow Manual Commit | Whether to allow doing manual commits. | boolean | false | ||
Auto Commit Enable | If true, periodically commit to ZooKeeper the offset of messages already fetched by the consumer. | boolean | true | ||
Auto Offset Reset | What to do when there is no initial offset. There are 3 enums and the value can be one of latest, earliest, none. | string | latest | ||
Consumer Group | A string that uniquely identifies the group of consumers to which this source belongs. | string | my-group-id | ||
Automatically Deserialize Headers | When enabled the Kamelet source will deserialize all message headers to String representation. | boolean | true | ||
Poll On Error Behavior | What to do if kafka threw an exception while polling for new messages. There are 5 enums and the value can be one of DISCARD, ERROR_HANDLER, RECONNECT, RETRY, STOP. | string | ERROR_HANDLER | ||
Topic Is Pattern | Whether the topic is a pattern (regular expression). This can be used to subscribe to dynamic number of topics matching the pattern. | boolean | false | ||
Value Deserializer | Deserializer class for value that implements the Deserializer interface. | string | io.apicurio.registry.serde.jsonschema.JsonSchemaKafkaDeserializer |
At runtime, the kafka-apicurio-registry-not-secured-source
Kamelet relies upon the presence of the following dependencies:
Camel JBang usage
You’ve installed JBang.
You have executed the following command:
jbang app install camel@apache/camel
Supposing you have a file named route.yaml with this content:
- route:
uri: "kamelet:kafka-apicurio-registry-not-secured-source"
- to:
uri: "kamelet:log-sink"
You can now run it directly through the following command
camel run route.yaml