camel-openhtmltopdf: A new component to generate PDF documents

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We are pleased to announce that Elevation Solutions has released a new component, camel-openhtmltopdf. With this component, your integrations can easily produce beautiful, pixel-perfect PDF documents from HTML, CSS and images. This component leverages the popular openhtmltopdf, which in turn builds on Apache PDFBox. Input HTML can be provided as a String, InputStream, or URI. For URIs, file, http, and https are supported. And there’s no need to worry if your markup is not compliant XHTML.

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Camel K 1.5 - New configuration settings

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Camel K version 1.5 is out. And with it, a new way of providing configuration and resources to your Integration. We have worked on a deep code refactoring in order to harmonize the existing configuration settings and add new ones to exploit the power of camel-quarkus runtime, which has become the main way to materialize an Integration. We added new features that will simplify your developer life. We also added new checks that will give you useful tips when using a feature in a wrong way.

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