Experimenting extraction from unstructured data with Apache Camel and LangChain4j

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This blog is based on experiments done about extracting structured data into its structured counterpart. More precisely, in this post, we’ll give directions about how to convert a conversation transcript into a Java object. Introduction Reading articles like this over the net, it seems that folks have a lot of unstructured data at the disposal while not being able to take advantage on it. So probably, in the future we might expect to deal more and more with unstructured data extraction in integration flow.

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Integrate your AI models effortlessly with Apache Camel

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This blog shows how Apache Camel can help integrate multiple systems with an AI model, in particular, the camel-whatsapp component is used to build a chat on WhatsApp; so that a user can easily communicate with the LLM (large Language Model) via WhatsApp. Overview The objective is the following, I’d like to have specific conversations about some topic, in this case, how to contribute to Apache Camel, with an LLM via WhatsApp.

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