Camel Quarkus 2.8.0 Released
, by Alexandre Gallice, James NethertonCamel Quarkus 2.8.0 brings Quarkus 2.8.0.Final, Camel 3.16.0
Camel Quarkus 2.8.0 brings Quarkus 2.8.0.Final, Camel 3.16.0
Textual debug for Camel routes allows to set breakpoints at Route definition. A first release based on Debug Adapter Server for Apache Camel has been announced last month. The new release 0.1.1 is coming with two new features: the support of JMX connection and the update of variable values. New Features JMX Connection support It might sound very technical but it has a tremendous functional impact. It simplifies a lot the launch of the debugger as there is no more the requirement to grab the pid.
Two years after its first participation to the Outreachy initiative, the Camel community is excited to support Outreachy’s mission once again this year. Outreachy is a diversity initiative of the Software Freedom Conservancy, that aims at supporting people subject to systemic bias, and impacted by under-representation in the technology industry. It runs a bi-yearly internships program in open source and open science, where interships are paid and remote. We are thrilled to propose the following projects for the next Outreachy May 2022 period: