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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of Camel 3.6.0, a new minor release with 151 new features, improvements and fixes. The artifacts are published and ready for you to download from the Central Maven repository. For more details please take a look at the release notes. Many thanks to all who made this release possible. On behalf of the Camel PMC, Gregor Zurowski

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Apache Camel Kafka Connector 0.5.0: What's New

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Apache Camel Kafka Connector 0.5.0 has just been released. This is based on the non-LTS release of Apache Camel 3.5.0, this means we will not provide patch releases, but use the release as-is. So what’s in this release? This release introduce bug fixes, improvements and new connectors obviously New connectors The new connectors introduced in this release are the following: ArangoDB: Perform operations on ArangoDb when used as a Document Database, or as a Graph Database.

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Camel Quarkus 1.1.0 Released

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Apache Camel Quarkus 1.1.0 has been released! We continue to integrate with the latest Camel and Quarkus releases, whilst adding new features and fixing bugs. For a full overview of the changes see the 1.1.0 milestone details. Here are some of the highlights. Major component upgrades Camel 3.5.0 Quarkus 1.8.0 New extensions We added a whopping 174 new extensions in this release! This is because Camel Quarkus will shortly become the only and default runtime in our sibling project Camel K.

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