Connecting EDI to the Enterprise with Camel & Smooks

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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) underpins the flow of information in numerous industries. From healthcare, retail, and aviation, to finance, manufacturing, and logistics, EDI is the workhorse carrying billions of transactions across applications in these industries. Historically viewed as a long, complex and costly journey, connecting EDI to the enterprise is traditionally thought to belong in the realm of expensive proprietary software or organisations with sizeable in-house IT teams. The goal of this blog post is to dispel this perception.

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Camel 4 Data Types

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Since Camel 4, users are able to apply data types to their individual Camel routes in order to transform the processed message content in a declarative way. The data type functionality has been added on top of the well-known Transformer EIP that is a part of Apache Camel since the beginning. This post gives a short introduction to the concept of data types and continues with several examples that show how to use those data types in Camel for instance as a form of Camel route contracts.

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