Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) underpins the flow of information in numerous industries. From healthcare, retail, and aviation, to finance, manufacturing, and logistics, EDI is the workhorse carrying billions of transactions across applications in these industries. Historically viewed as a long, complex and costly journey, connecting EDI to the enterprise is traditionally thought to belong in the realm of expensive proprietary software or organisations with sizeable in-house IT teams. The goal of this blog post is to dispel this perception.
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For the past year, we have worked on Camel JBang, that is becoming ready to be more widespread known among Camel users. In this blog I just want to quickly refer to a number of recent video recordings of Camel JBang in action. Apache Camel 4.0 with Camel JBang MQTT demo - by Claus, How to quickly build a Camel prototype with MQTT using Docker Camel JBang - Run Camel as Script using JBang by Jasvinder, with first impressions of Camel JBang Apache Camel JBang - Reload quickly running Camel via copy/paste - by Claus, a poor man’s iPaaS with Apache Camel Karavan and Camel JBang
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Testing is probably one of those operations we use to repeat most of the time while building any application. Applications in Camel world are no difference. With the advent of Camel JBang, we have a unified place that can be used to perform our testing/fine tuning locally before moving to a higher environment. During the last years of development, we have noticed that testing or fine tuning an integration directly connected to a Cloud Native environment can result a bit cumbersome.
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