Load properties from Vault/Secrets cloud services: an update

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In Camel 3.16.0 we introduced the ability to load properties from vault and use them in the Camel context. This post aims to show the updates and improvements we’ve done in the last two releases. Supported Services In 3.16.0 we’re supporting two of the main services available in the cloud space: AWS Secret Manager Google Cloud Secret Manager In 3.19.0, to be released, we’re going to have four services available:

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Released version 0.4.0 of VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel

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Release 0.4.0 This new release adds a new completion to add Camel K Modeline to new files. It also brings updates on the default Camel catalogs and brings support for the productized classic Camel catalog. Insert Camel K Modeline completion This completion allows you to add Camel K Modeline at the beginning of your Camel files. Improved support for the productized version The support for the productized version has been improved.

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An extension for coc.nvim to enable Apache Camel Language Server

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Two weeks before it became easier to provide language support inside emacs -See this blog post. It is now the case for vim, thanks to coc.camel. It is an extension for coc.nvim to enable Apache Camel language server support. Camel Language Server Support Demo For instance, code completion for XML with Camel DSL. The capabilities are based on the Camel Language Server. For instance, code completion for JAVA with Camel DSL.

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