Camel K Observability: Distributed Tracing

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Tracing is an important approach for controlling and monitoring the experience of users, it allows us to gather more information about an integration’s performance. Camel K has been providing support for distributed tracing using OpenTracing since long time. At the beginning of 2022, the CNCF announced that they were archiving the OpenTracing project in favor of the OpenTelemetry project. OpenTelemetry is the latest solution created by merging OpenTracing and OpenCensus. As a result, we decided in Camel K 1.

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Camel K 1.12 release

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Image (c): Camel Vectors by Vecteezy Although we’re already in Camel K 2.0 mode, we had not forgotten to bring new fresh features on version 1. Camel K 1.12.0 has just been released and it brings a lot of new interesting upgrades and features. This may be the last release of Camel K 1 major version as we aim to have a release of Camel K 2 during half of this year.

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RELEASE 3.20.2

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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of Camel 3.20.2, a patch release with 31 fixes and improvements. The artifacts are published and ready for you to download from the Central Maven repository. For more details please take a look at the release notes. Many thanks to all who made this release possible. On behalf of the Camel PMC, Gregor Zurowski

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