Camel Quarkus 2.13.3 Released
, by Alexandre Gallice, James NethertonCamel Quarkus 2.13.3 brings Quarkus 2.13.7.Final
Camel Quarkus 2.13.3 brings Quarkus 2.13.7.Final
There is a new release of VS Code extension Debug Adapter for Apache Camel 0.6.0 Available at Visual Studio Marketplace and Open VSX Registry. What’s changed In this release there is a new label Run Camel Application with JBang and Debug for command to start and attach the Camel debugger. Currently all available extension commands are grouped under Camel category Camel commands are available only in case there is a valid Camel file opened in editor
Karavan is an Integration Toolkit for Apache Camel aimed to increase developer performance through the visualization of routes, integration with runtimes and pipelines for package, image build and deploy to kubernetes out-of-the-box. This is a short Karavan introduction aimed to help to understand if this tool is right for your needs. New features In this release we continue to make developers’ lives easy. Hybrid Developer Experience Starting from this release, developers can work on the same repository from the Karavan application as well as with Karavan VS Code extension.