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Apache Camel 3.5 has just been released.

This is a non-LTS release which means we will not provide patch releases, but use the release as-is. The next planned LTS release is 3.7 scheduled towards end of the year.

So what’s in this release?

This release introduces new set of features and noticeable improvements that will we cover in this blog post.

Java 14

This is the first release that supports Java 14.

Spring Boot

We have upgraded to latest release at this time which is Spring Boot 2.3.3.

A new camel-spring-boot-bom BOM has been added that only contains the supported Camel Spring JARs for Spring Boot. The existing camel-spring-boot-dependencies is a much bigger set of BOM that is curated to align Camel and Spring Boot dependencies. For more details see the following documentation.

JUnit 5

We have finished migrating all the unit tests of Camel itself to JUnit 5. Support for JUnit 4 is still present but will eventually be deprecated and removed in the future (when JUnit 5 is widespread adopted).

The Camel test modules that support JUnit 5 has conveniently -junit5 in their JAR name.

We have also refactored the camel-test-spring-junit5 for Spring Boot users with a new @CamelSpringBootTest annotation that you mark on your unit test class instead of using JUnit 4.x @RunWith.

See the camel-spring-boot-example for an example, or the Camel 3.5 upgrade guide.


We have added a new LambdaRouteBuilder which allows to easily define a Camel route using Java lambda style:

rb -> rb.from("timer:foo").log("Hello Lambda");

For example users with Spring Boot or Quarkus may want to use dependency injection style to define beans and configurations; and now also Camel routes via lambda styles.

For example in a Spring Boot configuration class you can add a Camel route via @Bean annotation:

public LambdaRouteBuilder myRoute() {
    return rb -> rb.from("kafka:cheese").to("jms:cheese");

Notice you can only define 1 route per lambda route builder (you can have many @Bean methods). The regular RouteBuilder can define as many routes you want in the same builder.

See more details at the LambdaRouteBuilder documentation.

Parameterize routes

This is one of the biggest new feature which goes by the name route templates. A route template is a way of parameterizing a route where you specify parameters that are mandatory, and which are optional, and potential default values and descriptions. Then you can instantiate new routes from the route templates by its template id, and the provided parameters.

For example you can have a route template that define how clients can integrate with a given system of yours. Then as new clients is added, you can standup a new route from the template with client specific parameters.

This feature will also play a great role in Apache Camel K and the serverless landscape with Knative. In this world the route templates are used as part of a bigger puzzle which we named kamelets. More details is coming in a new blog posts.

See more details at the route templates documentation, and in this little example.

Optimized components startup

The camel core has been optimized in Camel 3 to be small, slim and fast on startup. This benefits Camel Quarkus which can do built time optimizations that take advantage of the optimized camel core.

We have continued this effort in the Camel components where whenever possible works is moved ahead to an earlier phase during startup, that allows enhanced built time optimizations. As there are a lot of Camel components then this work will progress over the next couple of Camel releases.

Even more reflection free

We continued to remove usage of reflection in Camel and this time we discovered that were some parts of API components that could still use reflection. This has now been improved so they are using source code generated configurers to configure themselves which means its all just regular Java method calls (no reflection).

There were also a few spots in Rest DSL which wasn’t reflection free either, this has been corrected.

Enhanced properties binding

We have also enhanced the configurers to include details about what value types collections contain (eg Map, List, arrays).

For example given the below configuration:[usa] =[usa].name = United States of America[usa].language = EN[de] =[de].name = Germany[de].language = DE

Then the foo bean has a property named countries that is a java.util.Map type. The Map contains element of type that has been explicit configured above.

However Camel is now capable to know this information by source code generated configurers:

    public class Foo

        private Map<String, Country> countries;

        // getter/setter omitted

The Foo class has been annotated with @Configurer which allows Camel tooling to generate reflection free configurers source code. This is what Camel internally uses to do its vast configuration of all its EIPs, components and so on. Now we have exposed this for end users. Notice how the Map contains the collection type as a generic type with Map<String, Country>. That information is now generated in the configurers, so Camel knows the value types in the collections. The configuration can therefore be shortened to:[usa].name = United States of America[usa].language = EN[de].name = Germany[de].language = DE

The work did not stop there. By knowing the value type of the collection types, we allow to do reflection free binding collections.

There has been many other smaller improvements in Camels properties binding. Camel uses this heavily internally during startup to configure and setup all of its things such as components, EIPs, routes etc. This work has been streamlined across the various runtimes; whether its standalone, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Camel K, Camel Kafka Connector, or the good old XML routes.

The Camel Kafka Connector project is using property binding in its configuration and therefore is a heavy user of this.

FluentProducerTemplate thread-safety

The fluent ProducerTemplate had an issue where it may not be thread-safe. This has been corrected.

New components

There are 8 new components:

  • ArangoDB: Perform operations on ArangoDb when used as a Document Database, or as a Graph Database.
  • AWS2-STS: Manage AWS STS cluster instances using AWS SDK version 2.x.
  • Azure Eventhubs: The azure-eventhubs component which integrates Azure Event Hubs using AMQP protocol.
  • JSonata: JSON to JSON transformation using JSONATA.
  • Minio: Store and retrieve objects from Minio Storage Service using Minio SDK.
  • OAI-PMH: Harvest metadata using OAI-PMH protocol.
  • Vert.x HTTP Client: Camel HTTP client support with Vert.x.
  • Vert.x WebSocket: Camel WebSocket support with Vert.x.


The next Camel-Kafka-connector 0.5.0 (not LTS) will be based on Camel 3.5.0. The project will leverage all the new shiny improvements done on the Property Binding. With 3.5.0 Camel-Kafka-connector will also get a bunch of new connectors for free and this is super cool. So stay tuned for the next non-LTS release.


Make sure to read the upgrade guide if you are upgrading to this release from a previous Camel version.