Apache Camel Kafka Connector 0.5.0 has just been released.
This is based on the non-LTS release of Apache Camel 3.5.0, this means we will not provide patch releases, but use the release as-is.
So what’s in this release?
This release introduce bug fixes, improvements and new connectors obviously
New connectors
The new connectors introduced in this release are the following:
- ArangoDB: Perform operations on ArangoDb when used as a Document Database, or as a Graph Database.
- AWS2-STS: Manage AWS STS cluster instances using AWS SDK version 2.x.
- Azure Eventhubs: The azure-eventhubs component which integrates Azure Event Hubs using AMQP protocol.
- JSonata: JSON to JSON transformation using JSONATA.
- Minio: Store and retrieve objects from Minio Storage Service using Minio SDK.
- OAI-PMH: Harvest metadata using OAI-PMH protocol.
- Vert.x HTTP Client: Camel HTTP client support with Vert.x.
- Vert.x WebSocket: Camel WebSocket support with Vert.x.
Support for multiple topics from the source side
Users are now able to specify multiple topics as target for the source connector configuration. This field needs a comma-separated list of topics.
The documentation of each connector (source/sink or both) now contains reference to the following information
- Explicit connector class to be used
- Converters list available in the connector as out of the box solutions
- Transformers list available in the connector as out of the box solutions
- Aggregation Strategies list available in the connector as out of the box solutions
On the Archetypes side: the archetype provided to extend the current connectors is now able to use a parameter to specify what connector you want to extend. More information available at Camel-Kafka-connector archetype documentation.
We added also a troubleshooting section in our documentation, to be able to debug and use the connectors in the best way possible.
Improved performance
Thanks to our users we found out we could improve the performance of Source connectors: more details at https://github.com/apache/camel-kafka-connector/issues/414
We added a bunch of new examples to the camel-kafka-connector-examples repository
What to expect
We are already working on the next release based on the upcoming 3.6.0 Camel release: we’ll add new connectors, we’ll improve the user experience and we’ll focus on improving the codebase and introducing new features.