We are pleased to announce the release 1.0.0-CR2 of Camel Quarkus. Camel Quarkus brings the outstanding integration capabilities of Apache Camel to Quarkus - the toolkit for writing subatomically small and supersonically fast Java, Kotlin and Scala applications.

So what is new in Camel Quarkus 1.0.0-CR2?

New bits

While we do not have any new extensions this time, the following extensions were promoted from JVM-only to JVM+native:

All supported bits can be seen in the List of Camel Quarkus extensions.

New documentation pages

Each Camel Quarkus extension has a separate page now. Most of the content is generated from the data available in Camel Catalog. This includes some basic description, Maven coordinates and links to the involved Camel bits. ActiveMQ is an example of such a rudimentary page.

In some cases, that generated content is combined with manually maintained sections that inform about Camel Quarkus specific behavior, limitations, configuration options, etc. See MicroProfile Health as an example.

Within a couple of days, code.quarkus.io should start to reference the new extension pages as “guides” of the individual Camel entries listed there.

Camel 3.3.0

Camel was upgraded to 3.3.0 bringing less reflection and less JAXP to Camel Quarkus, thus improving the disk size, startup time and RAM usage of Camel Quarkus applications.

Quarkus 1.5.0.Final

Quarkus was upgraded to 1.5.0.Final (from 1.4.1.Final in Camel Quarkus 1.0.0-M7).

The last release with Java 8

We deprecated Java 8 in the previous release and we announced to remove it two releases from then. Hence this is the last release supporting Java 8.

Camel Quarkus Hystrix deprecated

The Hystrix component was recently deprecated in Camel, so we deprecated it as well. It will be removed in the next Camel Quarkus release. Please use Microprofile Fault Tolerance as a replacement.

Enjoy and give feedback either via mailing lists or GitHub issues!