Apache camel 4.8.5 Release

New and Noteworthy

This release is the new Camel 4.8.5 release.

Supported Java version

This version supports Java 17 and 21.

Getting the Binaries using Maven

To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core and any other components needed without specifying the version.



To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom Bill of Materials (BOM):

      <version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>


Apache Camel

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with camel-4.8.5 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git
cd camel
git checkout camel-4.8.5

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

Bug (3)

camel-http does not encode path correctly when used with HTTP_QUERY header
Possible resource leak in camel minio in verifier extension
camel-file - Using consumer template to consume a single file issue with idempotentEager

Improvement (2)

camel-http - DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy optimize filter
camel-tracing - add route id in the tags of the span

Task (1)

Camel 4.8.x build is failing on CI for camel-kotlin-api module


You can verify your download by following these procedures and using these KEYS.