Apache camel 4.8.3 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 4.8.3 release.
Supported Java version
This version supports Java 17 and 21.Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies
and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom
Bill of Materials (BOM):
<version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-4.8.3-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.8.3-sbom.xml (SBOM, CycloneDX XML) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.8.3-sbom.json (SBOM, CycloneDX JSON) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-4.8.3
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-4.8.3
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (21)
- CAMEL-21595
- camel-langchain4j-tools: code may thrown an NPE if no tools are called
- CAMEL-21572
- Camel JBang with --runtime=spring-boot throw NullPointerException
- CAMEL-21567
- camel-jbang - Debug command should accept options from run
- CAMEL-21562
- If HeadBucket call is not allowed, AWS2S3Endpoint fails to start
- CAMEL-21552
- camel-yaml-dsl - "param" property from YAML DSL is not present in Camel model
- CAMEL-21550
- camel-aws-sqs - message is getting expired before extender changes the visibility
- CAMEL-21545
- camel-jsonpath - Should not use XmlMapper
- CAMEL-21543
- camel-main - MainListenerClasses loaded from application.properties is not activated
- CAMEL-21536
- camel-platform-http-starter throws "No ThreadPoolTaskExecutor configured" if virtual threads are enabled
- CAMEL-21532
- Camel JBang --logging-category is not respected on Windows
- CAMEL-21531
- RestOpenApiReaderTest is broken for some locations
- CAMEL-21528
- camel-vertx-http: Response handling may block the Vert.x event loop
- CAMEL-21526
- camel-aws - Unable to set Timestamp in query parameters to initialize iterator of AT_TIMESTAMP type for AWS Kinesis component
- CAMEL-21525
- Issue camel-debezium-postgres-starter Auto-Configured Bean
- CAMEL-21516
- camel-jbang - Transform route from xml to yaml with uri-as-parameters for context-path
- CAMEL-21512
- camel-jbang - camel transform route with multiple <rest> only include last
- CAMEL-21506
- camel-pdf: type converter doesn't work with the file component
- CAMEL-21504
- camel-spring-boot - MicrometerTagsAutoConfiguration class puts http method in uri tag
- CAMEL-21495
- camel-quarkus: REST route inlining works incorrectly when testing
- CAMEL-21486
- camel k8s ... cannot push to image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000
- CAMEL-21418
- camel-rest - Client request validation and multiple values in Accept header
Dependency upgrade (5)
- CAMEL-21590
- camel-pulsar - Upgrade to 3.3.3
- CAMEL-21571
- camel-mina - Upgrade to 2.2.4
- CAMEL-21566
- camel-cxf - Upgrade to 4.0.6
- CAMEL-21565
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to SB 3.3.7
- CAMEL-21561
- camel-kafka - Upgrade to kafka 3.8.1
Improvement (8)
- CAMEL-21568
- camel-jbang - Debug should support step into/over
- CAMEL-21563
- Camel-Jbang ps output in JSON
- CAMEL-21559
- camel-mongodb - Improve save performance
- CAMEL-21519
- camel-jbang - camel transform route - Expression should be quoted
- CAMEL-21511
- camel-jbang - camel transform route with rest-dsl should not inline routes
- CAMEL-21510
- camel-jbang - Kubernetes plugin support for parameter name
- CAMEL-21507
- Camel-Jbang Kubernetes Plugin: Use new Trait model
- CAMEL-21223
- camel-jbang - Debug may not go inside Split EIP
New Feature (1)
- CAMEL-21529
- camel-catalog - Consider adding another version discovery step
Task (5)
- CAMEL-21585
- camel-test-infra: select platform-specific containers dynamically
- CAMEL-21576
- camel-test-infra: container pulling adjustments
- CAMEL-21533
- Backport Knative test coverage to 4.8.x
- CAMEL-21530
- camel-jbang - Remove deps on runtime and cluster-type where no longer needed
- CAMEL-21502
- camel-langchain4j-tools: fix incorrect documentation
You can verify your download by following these procedures and using these KEYS.