Apache camel 4.10.0 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 4.10.0 release.
Supported Java version
This version supports Java 17 and 21.Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies
and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom
Bill of Materials (BOM):
<version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-4.10.0-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.10.0-sbom.xml (SBOM, CycloneDX XML) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.10.0-sbom.json (SBOM, CycloneDX JSON) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-4.10.0
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-4.10.0
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (54)
- CAMEL-21721
- camel-azure-key-vault: validation of the credentials in component is too strict
- CAMEL-21720
- camel-kubernetes: Unhealthy pods may be elected as the cluster leader
- CAMEL-21715
- Fix camel-test-infra-common test-jar dependencies
- CAMEL-21713
- camel-aws-secret-manager: context reload task does not accept endpoint override url
- CAMEL-21704
- camel-spring-boot - Platform HTTP does not add attchments
- CAMEL-21702
- Unable to delete OpenShift deployment using 'camel kubernetes delete'
- CAMEL-21694
- camel-jbang - Export to older Camel version does not work
- CAMEL-21692
- camel-jbang: using mock in openapi contract first approach won't work anymore
- CAMEL-21690
- camel-jbang - Image push option on Kubernetes run command not working
- CAMEL-21687
- camel-core - Cannot add onCompletion after transacted in Java DSL
- CAMEL-21686
- camel-jbang - Remove dependency on camel-kamelets-utils
- CAMEL-21684
- camel-rest-openapi - Using x-forward headers is not included
- CAMEL-21672
- camel-azure-servicebus: processorClient option is not honoured
- CAMEL-21668
- camel-jbang: error on running transform command if ~/.camel folder doesn't exist
- CAMEL-21665
- camel-jbang - kubernetes plugin not deleting deployed integration
- CAMEL-21656
- camel-jms - Multiple routes with direct/activemq and recipientlist returns unexpected result
- CAMEL-21653
- Camel Jbang run ignore "--repos" option
- CAMEL-21625
- camel k8s run may not cleanup properly on openshift
- CAMEL-21621
- camel-jbang - k8s-httpclient-vertx fails in shutdown hook
- CAMEL-21616
- camel-main - Route exclude pattern does not work for discovered java classes
- CAMEL-21614
- Simple expressions execute forever. Thread is RUNNABLE for ever. Issue appears with bean expressions inside simple expressions on SimpleLRUCache
- CAMEL-21612
- [Regression] Camel JMX debugger is no more activated with org.apache.camel:camel-debug dependency
- CAMEL-21606
- Camel route validation mojo fails if it depends on external sources
- CAMEL-21599
- Global Error Handler does not take effect when a source Kamelet fails
- CAMEL-21595
- camel-langchain4j-tools: code may thrown an NPE if no tools are called
- CAMEL-21594
- Camel Langchain4j Tools bug where no need to execute a tool
- CAMEL-21580
- Potential ConcurrentModificationException in MessageSupport.copyFromWithNewBody(MessageSupport.java:226)
- CAMEL-21575
- camel-main: concurrency issues on Java 21
- CAMEL-21572
- Camel JBang with --runtime=spring-boot throw NullPointerException
- CAMEL-21567
- camel-jbang - Debug command should accept options from run
- CAMEL-21562
- If HeadBucket call is not allowed, AWS2S3Endpoint fails to start
- CAMEL-21557
- camel-platform-http-starter HttpBinding does not support concurrent multipart/form-data requests with the same key id
- CAMEL-21555
- Smooks component parses DFDL EDIFACT schema upon the first message arrival only
- CAMEL-21552
- camel-yaml-dsl - "param" property from YAML DSL is not present in Camel model
- CAMEL-21550
- camel-aws-sqs - message is getting expired before extender changes the visibility
- CAMEL-21545
- camel-jsonpath - Should not use XmlMapper
- CAMEL-21543
- camel-main - MainListenerClasses loaded from application.properties is not activated
- CAMEL-21536
- camel-platform-http-starter throws "No ThreadPoolTaskExecutor configured" if virtual threads are enabled
- CAMEL-21532
- Camel JBang --logging-category is not respected on Windows
- CAMEL-21531
- RestOpenApiReaderTest is broken for some locations
- CAMEL-21528
- camel-vertx-http: Response handling may block the Vert.x event loop
- CAMEL-21526
- camel-aws - Unable to set Timestamp in query parameters to initialize iterator of AT_TIMESTAMP type for AWS Kinesis component
- CAMEL-21525
- Issue camel-debezium-postgres-starter Auto-Configured Bean
- CAMEL-21516
- camel-jbang - Transform route from xml to yaml with uri-as-parameters for context-path
- CAMEL-21512
- camel-jbang - camel transform route with multiple <rest> only include last
- CAMEL-21506
- camel-pdf: type converter doesn't work with the file component
- CAMEL-21505
- camel-as2: Binary files get corrupt when using 'base64' content transfer encoding
- CAMEL-21504
- camel-spring-boot - MicrometerTagsAutoConfiguration class puts http method in uri tag
- CAMEL-21495
- camel-quarkus: REST route inlining works incorrectly when testing
- CAMEL-21486
- camel k8s ... cannot push to image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000
- CAMEL-21463
- Camel-jbang while running the process in background unable to access log if the process start fails with errors
- CAMEL-21442
- camel-jbang export is not working when local-kamelet-dir set to current dir
- CAMEL-21418
- camel-rest - Client request validation and multiple values in Accept header
- CAMEL-21400
- StackOverflowError when processing files
Dependency upgrade (16)
- CAMEL-21681
- camel-microprofile-health - Upgrade to 4.2
- CAMEL-21655
- Upgrade to CXF 4.1.0
- CAMEL-21651
- Upgrade to Jolokia 2.2.1
- CAMEL-21635
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to 3.4.2
- CAMEL-21627
- camel-jbang - Upgrade jkube 1.18
- CAMEL-21607
- camel-quickfix - Upgrade to 2.3.2
- CAMEL-21590
- camel-pulsar - Upgrade to 3.3.3
- CAMEL-21571
- camel-mina - Upgrade to 2.2.4
- CAMEL-21569
- camel-wasm - Upgrade to 1.0
- CAMEL-21564
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to SB 3.4.1
- CAMEL-21561
- camel-kafka - Upgrade to kafka 3.8.1
- CAMEL-21548
- camel-cxf - Upgrade to 4.1
- CAMEL-21514
- camel-jgropus - Upgrade to 5.4 and remove cluster lock
- CAMEL-21509
- camel-kubernetes - Upgrade to v7 of fabric8-client
- CAMEL-21465
- camel-cassandraql: Upgrade java-driver dependencies to 4.18.x
- CAMEL-19839
- camel-cxf-common jakarta dependencies not alligned with cxf transports
Improvement (86)
- CAMEL-21728
- camel-core - Add onPrepare for Loop EIP to allow deep copy of exchange
- CAMEL-21725
- camel-jbang - Dependency list command to work on maven based project
- CAMEL-21717
- camel-groovy - Make it easier to work with attachments
- CAMEL-21716
- Customize base image in JBang Kubernetes plugin
- CAMEL-21714
- camel-cxf: CachedCxfPayload needs to LOG the parsing XMLStreamReader exception
- CAMEL-21711
- camel-core - IOConverter file/path to string should handle binary files
- CAMEL-21709
- camel-jbang - use route as top-level attribute when creating a Camel Yaml dsl route
- CAMEL-21708
- camel-attachments - Determine mime-type
- CAMEL-21706
- Improve JBang Kubernetes run with quiet mode
- CAMEL-21703
- camel-attachments - Add functions to simple language
- CAMEL-21701
- camel-platform-http - Make single file upload easy to access from message body
- CAMEL-21700
- camel-platform-http-main - Handle file uploads by default
- CAMEL-21699
- camel-kafka - Batch consumer should not require message body to keep being List<Exchange>
- CAMEL-21697
- camel-solr - The headers should use CamelSolrXXX prefix
- CAMEL-21695
- Remove remaining camel-k code from camel-jbang
- CAMEL-21691
- camel-kafka - Add pollIntervalMs option to trigger batch completion per interval
- CAMEL-21688
- [camel-jbang] Export to Spring Boot may not work in certain cases
- CAMEL-21685
- camel-jbang - Deprecate modeline and WARN if in use
- CAMEL-21683
- camel-cxf - Configure jax-rs consumer via CxfRsEndpoint bean
- CAMEL-21682
- Camel-Google-Storage: Introducing Override Bucket Header in Producer operations
- CAMEL-21680
- Camel-AWS2-S3: Introducing Override Bucket Header in Producer operations
- CAMEL-21679
- camel-azure-servicebus: azure-servicebus: Unable to set only senderClient or processorClient
- CAMEL-21678
- Camel-Minio: Introducing Override Bucket Header in Producer operations
- CAMEL-21677
- [camel-core] Strenghten org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException
- CAMEL-21675
- camel-kamelet - Allow to call another kamelet from within a kamelet
- CAMEL-21661
- camel-micrometer - multiple registrations of gauge camel.exchanges.inflight
- CAMEL-21660
- camel-kamelet - Allow to configure consumer bridgeErrorHandler option
- CAMEL-21659
- Improve aws sqs TimeoutExtender by introducing deadline concept to messages
- CAMEL-21657
- camel-ftp - Add dev console to dump jsch config
- CAMEL-21654
- camel-micrometer - Use base endpoint uri as dynamic values can lead too many combinations
- CAMEL-21649
- camel-micrometer - Add option to configure InstrumentedThreadPoolFactory
- CAMEL-21648
- camel-opentelemetry: Provide a way to customize Span creation
- CAMEL-21645
- [camel-jbang] implement camel export --property
- CAMEL-21643
- camel-jbang - Export main runtime should not log to file
- CAMEL-21641
- camel-jbang - Configuring components in Java DSL best practice
- CAMEL-21637
- camel-jbang - Shell command to stop --watch when pressing ctrl-c
- CAMEL-21634
- camel-jbang - Add camel-quartz as dependency if using camel-cron
- CAMEL-21632
- camel-spring-xml - Can we avoid the duplicate ##other in XSD
- CAMEL-21630
- camel-core - Remove inheritErrorHandler from DSL
- CAMEL-21628
- camel-core: Make AggregateProcessor set the CamelContext on its AggregationRepository
- CAMEL-21622
- camel-tracing - add route id in the tags of the span
- CAMEL-21620
- camel-core - Fix onWhen to not include outputs in model
- CAMEL-21615
- camel-jbang - Nicer error when export without name or gav
- CAMEL-21611
- camel-jbang - camel shell - Use Camel as group name
- CAMEL-21608
- Add support for message tags to Amazon SES component
- CAMEL-21605
- camel-jbang - Send command should also be as dev console
- CAMEL-21596
- Camel Qdrant add Vector search
- CAMEL-21593
- camel-aws-ses - Add support for sending already created RawMessage
- CAMEL-21589
- Make manual acknowledgements configurable in Paho-Mqtt5
- CAMEL-21582
- PropertiesComponent requires LoadablePropertiesSource which was removed by CAMEL-21480 and CAMEL-21484
- CAMEL-21578
- Avoid "'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin is missing." when exporting openshift project with Camel Jbang
- CAMEL-21568
- camel-jbang - Debug should support step into/over
- CAMEL-21563
- Camel-Jbang ps output in JSON
- CAMEL-21559
- camel-mongodb - Improve save performance
- CAMEL-21558
- camel-maven-package-plugin broken package name (velocity
- CAMEL-21549
- camel-spring-boot - No CamelContext defined yet so cannot inject into bean: startupConditionStrategy
- CAMEL-21544
- camel-http-common - Add option to turn on|off whether application/x-www-form-urlencoded should populate Map body with form
- CAMEL-21542
- camel-jbang - Detect known beans from Java imports
- CAMEL-21538
- [camel-tracing] Deprecate MDC in favour of implementation specific instrumentation
- CAMEL-21535
- camel-groovy - Make it easier for low-code to validate scripts
- CAMEL-21524
- camel-jbang - Report error/warning when a Camel catalog cannot be loaded
- CAMEL-21522
- camel-core - Log EIP allow to use custom log name per log
- CAMEL-21519
- camel-jbang - camel transform route - Expression should be quoted
- CAMEL-21518
- camel-elasticsearch-rest: Add capability to set operation via a header
- CAMEL-21515
- camel-google-pubsub - Add Support for Custom Retry Settings in Google Pub/Sub Publisher
- CAMEL-21511
- camel-jbang - camel transform route with rest-dsl should not inline routes
- CAMEL-21510
- camel-jbang - Kubernetes plugin support for parameter name
- CAMEL-21494
- camel-file - Producer should be AsyncProducer based
- CAMEL-21491
- [camel-observability-services] Add OTLP autoconfigure as default for main
- CAMEL-21484
- DefaultPropertiesLookup loads all props from microprofile config per property value lookup
- CAMEL-21480
- camel-microprofile-config: Add support in CamelMicroProfilePropertiesSource for multiple profile properties
- CAMEL-21479
- Camel-Solr: Use HttpJdkSolrClient as default SolrClient implementation
- CAMEL-21478
- camel-rest-openapi: Input and output types binding to java classes using $ref or title of the schema
- CAMEL-21468
- camel-http - Add option to log raw request and raw response
- CAMEL-21456
- Camel-Jbang Kubernetes Plugin Ingress add TLS
- CAMEL-21433
- camel run/export --runtime quarkus can't use a route from subdirectory
- CAMEL-21359
- camel-spring-boot - Add support for using MainListener
- CAMEL-21352
- camel-smb - Based on camel-file to have many more features
- CAMEL-21325
- camel-jbang - Kubernetes run should cleanup old temp folders
- CAMEL-21274
- camel-test - Add option to dump routes for all tests
- CAMEL-21257
- Camel GitHub commit consumer body does not match documentation
- CAMEL-21250
- camel-report-maven-plugin - Can we cover anonymous routes if loaded from xml files
- CAMEL-21223
- camel-jbang - Debug may not go inside Split EIP
- CAMEL-21184
- Make more components Browseable
- CAMEL-19665
- components that are polling can become batch polling
- CAMEL-17648
- Optimizing File component performance when filtering file names.
New Feature (20)
- CAMEL-21726
- Add OpenAI and HuggingFace Chat Models to create RAG Kameletes
- CAMEL-21719
- Camel Neo4j component : transform results of similarity search into List of texts
- CAMEL-21718
- Camel Qdrant component : transform results of similarity search into List of texts
- CAMEL-21650
- Camel JBang update command
- CAMEL-21626
- Camel-Hashicorp-Vault: Support Hashicorp Cloud deployment in properties function
- CAMEL-21623
- Expose test-infra services via Camel JBang
- CAMEL-21586
- Create a OpenAI Embedding Model builder acting as Java Bean for a Kamelet
- CAMEL-21560
- Create a HugginFace Embedding Model builder acting as Java Bean for a Kamelet
- CAMEL-21553
- Vault Properties Functions: Make it possible to use them even in bean instantiation
- CAMEL-21547
- Migrate bean routing functionality from Smooks Cartridge to Smooks Component
- CAMEL-21541
- Neo4j - investigate on ingesting data with Neo4j and Langchain4j
- CAMEL-21529
- camel-catalog - Consider adding another version discovery step
- CAMEL-21508
- Add a component for KServe
- CAMEL-21497
- Camel-Kubernetes: Add Configmap Dev Console
- CAMEL-21496
- Camel-Azure-Key-Vault: Add Update Secret operation to Producer
- CAMEL-21461
- camel-spring-boot - Add features to Camel Platform Http Starter
- CAMEL-21107
- Camel-Kubernetes: Add ability to add annotation to create resources operation
- CAMEL-21019
- Add a component for TensorFlow Serving
- CAMEL-18276
- azure-service-bus component does not support session
- CAMEL-17881
- TLS for MLLP Component
Sub-task (1)
- CAMEL-21640
- Camel-Hashicorp-Vault: Support Hashicorp Cloud deployment in properties function - Docs
Task (33)
- CAMEL-21727
- documentation - Add note in docs to not use crazy high loop counter
- CAMEL-21689
- Apache Camel Kafka Batching Consumer behaviour discrepancy w.r.t pollTimeoutMs
- CAMEL-21676
- Kamelet - loading a xml kamelet throws NPE
- CAMEL-21673
- camel-spring-boot - Fix missing stream closes
- CAMEL-21666
- camel-test-infra-cli - Should skip testing if using -Pfastinstall
- CAMEL-21664
- camel-kafka: avoid unecessary secondary cache miss on record metadata
- CAMEL-21663
- camel-sjms2: lack of null check causes NPE and affects performance
- CAMEL-21647
- Create a jenkins job for Camel JBang IT test suite
- CAMEL-21642
- Camel-Hashicorp-Vault: Support Hashicorp cloud Vault instance in the pure component
- CAMEL-21639
- Camel-Hashicorp-Vault-Starter: Support Hashicorp Cloud deployment in properties function
- CAMEL-21638
- Provide ppc64le architecture support to camel-elasticsearch
- CAMEL-21633
- Provide ppc64le architecture support to camel-elasticsearch-rest-client
- CAMEL-21631
- Enable Checksum algorithm on S3 streaming upload producer
- CAMEL-21629
- Camel-upgrade-recipes: test classes has to stay public
- CAMEL-21618
- Review documentation for the next LTS release
- CAMEL-21617
- camel-core - Add doCatch and doFinally to doTry json model
- CAMEL-21592
- camel-tests: use Awaitility globally
- CAMEL-21591
- Fix components using Awaitility from TestContainers
- CAMEL-21585
- camel-test-infra: select platform-specific containers dynamically
- CAMEL-21581
- Fix HashiCorp Vault Tests for ppc64le in camel-spring-boot
- CAMEL-21576
- camel-test-infra: container pulling adjustments
- CAMEL-21570
- Add Profile to skip Tests for ppc64le Architecture in aws2
- CAMEL-21537
- Camel-mongodb - Provide ppc64le arch support
- CAMEL-21530
- camel-jbang - Remove deps on runtime and cluster-type where no longer needed
- CAMEL-21517
- Deprecate camel-google-pubsub-lite
- CAMEL-21503
- camel-langchain4j-chat: remove function calling
- CAMEL-21502
- camel-langchain4j-tools: fix incorrect documentation
- CAMEL-21500
- camel-observability-services - Is missing in camel-catalog
- CAMEL-21452
- camel-test-infra: decouple the infrastructure from the testing API
- CAMEL-21350
- camel-spring-boot-examples - Update old dependencies
- CAMEL-21281
- camel-jbang - Remove camel k plugin
- CAMEL-21266
- camel-smb: the consumer should follow the same creation pattern
- CAMEL-20883
- Remove addPluginArtifactMetadata mojo usage
Test (4)
- CAMEL-21602
- Fix issue related to flaky test DefaultConsumerTemplateWithCustomCacheMaxSizeTest.testCacheConsumers
- CAMEL-21601
- Fix issue related to flaky test GitConsumerTest.commitConsumerTest
- CAMEL-21346
- Test failing on main branch: StreamingApiConsumerTest.shouldProcessPlatformEvents
- CAMEL-21145
- SolrCloudProducerIT is failing on ppc64le architecture
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