Apache camel-quarkus 3.8.0 Release

New and Noteworthy

Supported Java version

This version supports Java 17 and 21.

Apache Camel Quarkus

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with 3.8.0 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-quarkus.git
cd camel-quarkus
git checkout 3.8.0

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

No alternative for camel-quarkus-rabbitmq in migration docs
Camel 4.4 - New custom factory discover for ModelReifierFactory
Jt400: make native work
Master Kubernetes configuration
Add Elasticsearch Low Level Rest Client
org/hl7/fhir/r5/model/fhirversion.properties wrong path
Splunk-hec: add native support
Splunk-hec: Extend test coverage
Add a manual saga test in camel-quarkus-lra
Increase XJ test coverage
Unshade more dependencies from kudu-client
Increase kudu test coverage
Intermittent failure of DataSetTest.simpleDataSetConsumer
SMB tests fail in the Quarkus Platform
Consul tests fail in the Quarkus Platform
Minio tests fail in the Quarkus Platform
CXF-SOAP: Cover possible regression prior CXF fix "Csb 2484 #496" causing indefinite hang
Dynamic execution of js route failing
Test configuration secured by Jasypt with custom profiles
BigQuery native compilation fails due to unresolved field io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.chunkSize
Health example fails with non existing property
Consul does not work because of old okhhtp forced by Quarkus
Remove Quarkus Platform localstack container image overrides
twilio: Twilio test - phoneCall - is disabled because of CAMEL-19828
Box (native & JVM )fails because of okhttp 3.x vs 4.x problem
Improve qute component documentation
Use InfinispanTestResource in the Infinispan integration tests
JT400 native support
Splunk HEC native support


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