Apache camel-quarkus 3.0.0-M1 Release

New and Noteworthy

Supported Java version

This version supports Java 17.

Apache Camel Quarkus

Download Signature and checksum
apache-camel-quarkus-3.0.0-M1-src.zip (Sources) PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with 3.0.0-M1 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-quarkus.git
cd camel-quarkus
git checkout 3.0.0-M1

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

camel-quarkus-language: Improve test coverage of languages and options
ReflectiveClassBuildItem has been deprecated and marked for removal
Remove org.freemarker:freemarker dependency override
AtlasMap - NullPointerException in native mode
Bump to CycloneDX Maven Plugin 2.7.5
Aws2-cw: dependency io.quarkus:quarkus-jaxp is not needed for the native run
`cq-maven-plugin` `ClassNotFoundException` on `sort-poms` execution
Micrometer test coverage - possible issue with @Counted annotation and metrics mandatory
xml-io-with-beans: create itest project for xml-io + bean
`camel.main.javaRoutesIncludePattern` not overridable at runtime
xml-io: document the possibility to add all charsets in native mode
Split infinispan testing into separate modules for the quarkus and camel managed clients
CamelQuarkusTestSupport: Lifecycle.PER_CLASS may cause following tests to fail
xml-io: Remove the use of XMLRoutesDefinitionLoader deprecated class
Multiple test methods do not work when extending CamelQuarkusTestSupport
Azure native integration tests fail at runtime
Migrate example projects to Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
PerfRegressionIT failing with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
Twilio test fails with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
Salesforce test fails Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
nitrite test fails to compile to native with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
java-joor-dsl fails in native mode with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
Improve documentation for Kubernetes
mail test fails in native mode
VertxWebsocketTest fails with "Path must start with /" on Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
zendesk test cannot be compiled to native with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
saxon test cannot be compiled to native with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
quarkus-jackson-jq not ready for Quarkus 3
crypto test cannot be compiled to native with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3
opentelemetry test fails to compile to native with Camel 4 and Quarkus 3


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