Apache camel-k 2.3.0 Release

New and Noteworthy

Supported Java version

This version supports Java 17.

Apache Camel-K

Download Signature and checksum
camel-k-dist-2.3.0 (CLIs Distribution) PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum
camel-k-sources-2.3.0.tar.gz (Sources) PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with v2.3.0 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-k.git
cd camel-k
git checkout v2.3.0

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

Release 2.3.0
Azure Key Vault Trait: Support Azure Identity as authentication method
Pipe error handler not working with Camel 4.4.0
Integration builds fail with arm64 base image
Update buil/Dokerfile to use go 1.21
Builder property failure when using non xml tag characters
Kamel delete KameletBinding only removes integration resource
Performance regression due to configmap/secrets whole cluster watch
Monitor Camel Integrations in K8s Deployments
Externally built Integrations are deployed without a command in Camel-K 2.2.0
Coverage report wrong percentage
Quartz builds failing to start when using native builds
Operator is stuck in a "deploying" phase loop when internal deployment fails indefinitely
Operator 2.2.0 does not spawn builder pod with strategy: pod
Run a different set of checks for java dependencies
Provide a page linking to Camel DSLs
Nightly SBOM procedure should not run if there are no changes
Mac github actions failing
Polish trait conditions
Nightly release soft failure
Unable to authenticate with Docker Hub API v2
Data type Kamelet hardcoded
Release 2.2.0
Azure Key Vault Trait: Support Azure Identity as authentication method
Improve pipe status when the pod is full of exceptions
Use generated trait
Upgrade to Go 1.21
1st Integration after Camel K runtime version update failing
KameletBinding could not find a topic with a different `metadata.name` and `topicName`.
Provide alternative publishing strategy via pipeline


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