There are new releases of 3 VS Code extensions:

Version upgrades

Notable Camel related version upgrades:

  • Update Kamelet Catalog from 3.20.4 to 3.21.0
  • Update default Camel Catalog version from 3.20.5 to 3.21.0
  • Update default Camel version used for Camel JBang from 3.20.5 to 3.21.0
  • Update default Camel K runtime version from v1.11.0 to v1.12.1

New features

Completion for Camel Quarkus debug profile in pom.xml

It helps to configure a Camel on Quarkus application to use the Camel Route Textual debugger.

Video showing completion for Camel Quarkus debug profile in a pom.xml

For an example of the whole process to use the Camel debugger with a Camel on Quarkus project, see this video.

Commands to create Camel on Quarkus and SpringBoot project

Two commands have been created to create Camel projects:

  • Camel: Create a Camel Quarkus project
  • Camel: Create a Camel on SpringBoot project

This first iteration is coming with a minimal configuration. Only the GroupID, ArtifactID and version of the new project is asked to the end-user. In case, there are some Camel routes at the root of the workspace, they are copied at the correct place in the created project.

Video showing a VS Code workspace opened with a  Camel route, calling command palette to create a Camel on Quarkus project, then showing that the project is created and the route copied at correct place in the project

Video showing a VS Code workspace opened with a  Camel route, calling command palette to create a Camel on SpringBoot project, then showing that the project is created and the route copied at correct place in the project

Quick menu action on editor title to Deploy Integration with Apache Camel K

Previously, it was possible to deploy an integration with Camel K using command palette, contextual menu from the Explorer or a codelens in textual editor. A quick action has been added to the editor. It is very convenient when the editor used is a graphical one.

Video showing a Caml route opened with a graphical editor, then clicking on the quick action at the top right of it to deploy on OpenShift. It finishes by opening the log to show that the route has been started and is working.

Settings for specifying the Camel version to run integrations with Camel JBang CLI

Previously, it was reusing the version of Camel Jbang version, it is now possible to also provide the Camel version.

From settings, changing the value of the Camel version for Camel JBang run, then running an integration and shwoing the camel version used in the task log

What’s next

It is planned to publish videos leveraging the new features in a more global scenario. Stay tuned and follow Demo of Red Hat Integration and Apache Camel Tooling playlist.

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