Few days before it became easier to provide debug adapter support inside Emacs -See this blog post. It is now time to use Camel Debug Adapter in Sublimecamel-tooling/camel-dap-client-sublime.

Sublime Debug Adapter client for Apache Camel

A breakpoint hit on a Camel route endpoint


  • Camel version 3.18+
  • camel-debug is available on the classpath
  • have JMX enabled

How to configure Sublime

In a ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/Debugger/modules/adapters/camel.py file:

from __future__ import annotations
from ..typecheck import *

from .import util
from .. import dap
from .. import core

import sublime
import re

class Camel(dap.AdapterConfiguration):

    type = 'camel'
    docs = 'https://github.com/camel-tooling/camel-debug-adapter#debug-adapter-for-apache-camel'

    installer = util.OpenVsxInstaller (

    async def start(self, log: core.Logger, configuration: dap.ConfigurationExpanded):
        install_path = util.vscode.install_path(self.type)
        command = [
        return dap.StdioTransport(log, command)

How to get Camel Debug Adapter server.jar file?

  • To get a jar file either you can compile the source or download from the Maven Central repository.
  • To download from Maven Central repository
cd /home
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/camel-tooling/camel-dap-server/0.5.0/camel-dap-server-0.5.0.jar

How to attach camel application to sublime for debugging

  • To test the camel application debugging need a working example. Lot of good examples are provided in this repo, camel-examples.

  • To enable Camel Textual Route debugging, you need to launch this examples with mvn camel:debug.

  • I have specifically used example-main in this setup.

In Terminal

  cd ~/camel-examples/examples/main
  • vim src/main/java/org/apache/camel/example/MyBean.java
  • Add the following content inside MyBean.java file:
package org.apache.camel.example;

public class MyBean {

    private String hi;

    public MyBean(String hi) {
        this.hi = hi;

    public String hello() {
        return hi + " Begin ? ";

     public String bye() {
        return hi + " End ? ";
  • Compile the source to reflect the new changes
mvn compile
  • Launch this example with the profile camel.debug
 mvn camel:run -Pcamel.debug

Make the following changes and run your camel application

open file : ~/camel-examples/examples/main/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/example/MyRouteBuilder. java

  • Inside MyRouteBuilder.java file:
package org.apache.camel.example;

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;

public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {
            .bean("myBean", "hello")
            .bean("myBean", "bye")


Tools: Command Palette Using package control run Package Control: Install Package and select Debugger.

  • Open the debug panel

  • from the command palette Debugger: Open

  • Install a debug adapter by running: Debugger: Install adapter from the command palette.

  • Add a configuration Debugger: Add Configuration from the command palette (or add one manually, see below).

    • Configurations are added to debugger_configurations to your sublime-project

    • Your configuration will look something like the following but with some debugger specific fields. In ~/camel-examples/examples/main/camel.sublime-project file :

            "path": ".",

            "type": "camel",
            "request": "attach",
            "port": 1099,
            "name": "Attach to Camel Debugger",


Start Debugging

  • Click the gear icon to select a configuration to use
  • Click the play icon to start the debugger or run Debugger: Start (if no configuration is selected it will ask you to select or create one)
  • Click the settings icon after starting the debugger select the following configuration Debugger: Attach to Camel Debugger.
  • After attaching the confiuration set the breakpoints by selecting the particular line on right click select Toggle Breakpoint.

Enjoy the Debug Adapter for Apache Camel in Sublime.