It’s the time of the year where we take a look back at 2019, and compile a brief summary of the Apache Camel project.
The big news of 2019 was the much anticipated release of Apache Camel 3.
Family of projects
It was also in 2019 that the Camel project became a family of projects by introducing:
- Camel K
- Camel Quarkus
Making Apache Camel a trilogy. But it does not stop there; in early 2020 three will become five when we release:
- Camel Kafka Connector
- Camel Spring Boot (moved out from main repository)
Camel 2019 in Numbers
Number of Camel releases in 2019: 21
Number of Camel K and Camel Quarkus releases in 2019: 15
Number of posts on Camel user forum in 2019: 1305
Number of gitter chat users at end of 2019: 691
Number of commits in 2019: 6734 [1]
Total number of JIRA tickets created at end of 2019: 14340
Number of JIRA tickets created in 2019: 1306
Number of JIRA tickets resolved in 2019: 1379
Stackoverflow number of questions at end of 2019: 9311
Stackoverflow number of watchers at end of 2019: 2.1k
Number of stars on github at end of 2019: 3031
Total number of commits at end of 2019: 41164
Total number of contributors on github at end of 2019: 555
Number of individual committers doing commits in 2019: 218 [2]
Number of closed pull requests at end of 2019: 3434
Number of closed pull requests in 2019: 482
Number of Twitter followers at end of 2019: 1033
The Apache Software Foundation recently posted a summary of the most active projects in 2019 and Apache Camel was ranked in the top 5 by commits and github traffic.
Happy New Year and 2020 is going to be a great year for Apache Camel with Camel Kafka Connector, Camel K and Camel Quarkus all in the works and to be released as production ready 1.0 releases.
#1 git shortlog -ns --since 2019-01-01 --until 2020-01-01 | cut -c1-7 | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM }'
#2 git shortlog --since 2019-01-01 --until 2020-01-01 -ns | wc -l