Quarkus Trait

The Quarkus trait configures the Quarkus runtime.

It’s enabled by default.

A native based compilation will be forced to use a pod build strategy. Compiling to a native executable, i.e. when using build-mode=native, requires at least 4GiB of memory, so the Pod running the native build, must have enough memory available.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.

The quarkus trait is a platform trait and cannot be disabled by the user.


Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait quarkus.[key]=[value] --trait quarkus.[key2]=[value2] integration.yaml

The following configuration options are available:

Property Type Description



Deprecated: no longer in use.



The Quarkus package types, fast-jar or native (default fast-jar). In case both fast-jar and native are specified, two IntegrationKit resources are created, with the native kit having precedence over the fast-jar one once ready. The order influences the resolution of the current kit for the integration. The kit corresponding to the first package type will be assigned to the integration in case no existing kit that matches the integration exists. Deprecated: use build-mode instead.



The Quarkus mode to run: either jvm or native (default jvm). In case both jvm and native are specified, two IntegrationKit resources are created, with the native kit having precedence over the jvm one once ready.



The base image to use when running a native build (default quay.io/quarkus/quarkus-micro-image:2.0)



The image containing the tooling required for a native build (by default it will use the one provided in the runtime catalog)