Platform Trait

The platform trait is a base trait that is used to assign an integration platform to an integration.

In case the platform is missing, the trait is allowed to create a default platform. This feature is especially useful in contexts where there’s no need to provide a custom configuration for the platform (e.g. on OpenShift the default settings work, since there’s an embedded container image registry).

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.

The platform trait is a platform trait and cannot be disabled by the user.


Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait platform.[key]=[value] --trait platform.[key2]=[value2] integration.yaml

The following configuration options are available:

Property Type Description



Deprecated: no longer in use.



To create a default (empty) platform when the platform is missing. Deprecated: Platform is auto generated by the operator install procedure - maintained for backward compatibility


Indicates if the platform should be created globally in the case of global operator (default true). Deprecated: Platform is auto generated by the operator install procedure - maintained for backward compatibility


To automatically detect from the environment if a default platform can be created (it will be created on OpenShift or when a registry address is set). Deprecated: Platform is auto generated by the operator install procedure - maintained for backward compatibility