Apache camel 4.8.0 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 4.8.0 release.
Supported Java version
This version supports Java 17 and 21.Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies
and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom
Bill of Materials (BOM):
<version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-4.8.0-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.8.0-sbom.xml (SBOM, CycloneDX XML) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.8.0-sbom.json (SBOM, CycloneDX JSON) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-4.8.0
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-4.8.0
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (64)
- CAMEL-21354
- camel.main.shutdown-timeout is ignored in 4.4.3, default 45 is used
- CAMEL-21296
- Camel AS2 Sender application couldn't validate MDN message
- CAMEL-21194
- camel-jbang - Cannot run xxx.camel.yaml files
- CAMEL-21191
- camel-catalog - Beans for aggregation repository are wrongly declared as aggregation strategy
- CAMEL-21185
- DefaultShutdownStrategy cannot set timeout via JMX
- CAMEL-21182
- camel-jbang - Run with json logging does not work
- CAMEL-21164
- camel-rest - Code first should use actual values for property placeholders in dumped API spec
- CAMEL-21163
- camel-jbang - Can not get service meta data from camel-jms and camel-sql with Quarkus runtime
- CAMEL-21162
- Cannot reset StreamCache when the spool file has been deleted
- CAMEL-21161
- camel-aws2-s3 is uploading always files as multipart when multiPartUpload is set true
- CAMEL-21160
- camel-langchain4j-chat: consumer is not configured
- CAMEL-21159
- camel-langchain4j-chat: producer is supported for chat with tools
- CAMEL-21155
- camel-yaml-dsl - "parameters" property generated for "poll" EIP
- CAMEL-21154
- camel-hashicorp-vault: Potential NPE in getSecret operation result handling
- CAMEL-21149
- Camel debugger suspend on start is not working with SpringBoot
- CAMEL-21148
- camel-jbang - camel run seems to get stuck at start up time when using camel-version config set
- CAMEL-21139
- camel-jbang - Export to Q or SB should work with ignore-loading-error option
- CAMEL-21134
- camel-jbang: unable to export Quarkus project due to missing CDIProvider
- CAMEL-21129
- NPE rooted in RestBindingAdviceFactory in camel-support after upgrade 4.6->4.7
- CAMEL-21126
- camel-jbang - Using source-dir and dropping a non route file causes reload issue
- CAMEL-21124
- camel-jbang - unable to load properties from application.properties
- CAMEL-21114
- camel-zipfile - ZipSplitter with AggregationStrategy does not aggregate all splits
- CAMEL-21112
- camel-sql - Simple language to lookup parameter value is not compatible with batch mode
- CAMEL-21109
- Choice evaluation behaves inconsistently when source is String and Value is Float.
- CAMEL-21101
- Camel-Hashicorp-Vault: Get Secret operation doesn't take into account the secretPath configuration parameter
- CAMEL-21100
- camel-azure-eventhubs: sharedAccessName & sharedAccessKey should not be required for credential type AZURE_IDENTITY
- CAMEL-21096
- interceptFrom with pattern specified are not executed with rest-dsl
- CAMEL-21093
- fhir auth x springboot example is failing with ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.io.function.Uncheck
- CAMEL-21090
- Docs say CamelAs2.parameter but only CamelAS2.parameter works
- CAMEL-21082
- camel-jbang init command is deleting existing routes/files when using --dir option
- CAMEL-21078
- camel-test-junit5: enabling adviceWith should be available for consumer code.
- CAMEL-21076
- camel-openapi-java: Incorrect schema is generated for array type request
- CAMEL-21075
- camel-langchain4j-chat: unreliability due to failing to clear cached consumers
- CAMEL-21059
- Cannot run or export when --repository is set before the integration file
- CAMEL-21057
- REST OpenApi fails to resolve host from the URL
- CAMEL-21051
- SftpOperations.retrieveFileToStreamInBody potentially hides exceptions
- CAMEL-21048
- MLLP ACK invalid timestamp
- CAMEL-21045
- camel-jbang - Export to quarkus will startup quarkus and hang JVM
- CAMEL-21044
- azure-servicebus: FQNS not set correctly when credentialType is AZURE_IDENTITY
- CAMEL-21035
- Knative ceOverride property binding support misses first value being set
- CAMEL-21034
- DefaultInjector created instead of SpringInjector when using custom ModelReifierFactory in Spring Boot app
- CAMEL-21014
- The doFinally clause with a route template always generates an exception.
- CAMEL-21009
- Camel-AWS2-Kinesis: CloudWatchAsyncClient and DynamoDbAsyncClient parameters are ignored from KCL Consumer
- CAMEL-21004
- camel-jbang export does not use runtime from application.properties
- CAMEL-21003
- camel-main: Unable to enable debug profile in Camel Quarkus due to FileNotFoundException
- CAMEL-20998
- camel-google-storage: objectNames can conflict with each other
- CAMEL-20995
- camel-azure-storage-blob uploadBlockBlob retry operation fails due to mark and reset issue / Flux
- CAMEL-20994
- export fails to add camel-direct component when there is a rest consumer
- CAMEL-20993
- camel-spring-boot: Failed route should be visible in spring-boot actuator/camelroutes endpoint
- CAMEL-20992
- azure-service-bus component: When using RECEIVE_AND_DELETE mode, the ServiceBusConsumer onComplete and onFailure methods logs errors
- CAMEL-20991
- camel-jbang - export error when there is placeholder in a kamelet endpoint url with a bean
- CAMEL-20988
- camel-test-infra: some services are unable to properly log initialization failures
- CAMEL-20981
- Knative ceOverrides option not possible with YAML config
- CAMEL-20969
- camel-jbang: k8s plugin may generate conflicting docker build dependencies
- CAMEL-20966
- Environment properties take precedence over route template's parameters
- CAMEL-20961
- camel-jbang - NPE in log grep
- CAMEL-20960
- camel-jbang - camel top processor should group by pid
- CAMEL-20958
- camel-aws - Kinesis consumer loops on closed shards
- CAMEL-20954
- Cannot share SSLContextParameters between camel-kafka and other components
- CAMEL-20953
- camel-jbang - --max-* options with --dev fails to terminate the Camel context
- CAMEL-20938
- camel-http - Using disableStreamCache=true cannot read body later due to stream closed
- CAMEL-20918
- Salesforce component does not resubscribe after exception
- CAMEL-20844
- UseOriginalAggregationStrategy doesn't set EXCEPTION_CAUGHT property on exception propagation
- CAMEL-20682
- camel-kafka - KafkaIdempotentRepository misses continuous updates from its topic after startup
Dependency upgrade (2)
- CAMEL-21074
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.3.3
- CAMEL-21002
- Camel-Spring-Boot: Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.3.2
Improvement (67)
- CAMEL-21177
- camel-datasonnet: Enable libsonnet libraries to be discovered at build time
- CAMEL-21176
- camel-core - DefaultExchangeHolder - Add option to store/read exchange variables
- CAMEL-21175
- camel-jbang - automatically add package name when creating a Camel route with Java DSL in a src/main/java subfolder
- CAMEL-21170
- camel-jbang - Dev console to show startup log
- CAMEL-21168
- camel-core - Dev console to show startup configuration vs actual value
- CAMEL-21157
- camel-core - PeriodicTask should be able to run a task forever
- CAMEL-21156
- camel-hashicorp-vault: Allow SecretPath header to be used on create & delete operations
- CAMEL-21153
- camel-langchain4j-chat: split function calling feature
- CAMEL-21150
- camel-jbang - Make trace in standby mode and explicit enable to start tracing
- CAMEL-21144
- camel-jbang - Run in dev mode can become slow when capturing trace data
- CAMEL-21140
- camel-core - Add init and destroy method to @BindToRegistry
- CAMEL-21137
- camel-core - Add lazy option to @BindToRegistry
- CAMEL-21136
- camel-main - Add dev console for sending message to Camel via HTTP
- CAMEL-21135
- camel-core - AdviceWith using toUri pattern should also support poll/enrich/pollEnrich EIPs
- CAMEL-21130
- camel-jbang - Run with Q/SB runtime and dev mode for java source should update on save
- CAMEL-21120
- camel-jbang - Reload with groovy code should flush cache script
- CAMEL-21118
- camel-cxf - Add example to show how to integrate camel-cxfrs with opentelemetry
- CAMEL-21117
- camel-jbang - Detect transacted dsl and add camel-jta automatically
- CAMEL-21116
- Camel-AWS2-S3: Make ignoreBody supported also for getObject producer operation
- CAMEL-21099
- camel-core - Source dev console to list files and raw mode
- CAMEL-21097
- camel-as2 - Add more MIC security algorithms
- CAMEL-21089
- camel-core: CamelBaseBulkConverterLoader should handle conversion to byte primitive
- CAMEL-21088
- camel-jbang: Support Kubernetes export options in run command
- CAMEL-21086
- camel-core - Add more complex functions to csimple language
- CAMEL-21081
- camel-core - Add ternary if function to simple language
- CAMEL-21072
- camel-test-infra-ollama: should use the Ollama container from testcontainers
- CAMEL-21071
- camel-rest-openapi - Auto detect RestApiConsumerFactory from classpath
- CAMEL-21070
- camel-jbang - rest and rest-openapi component should only be in included if in use
- CAMEL-21069
- Review code: remove outdated items
- CAMEL-21066
- Review documentation: remove outdated information
- CAMEL-21065
- Enable Jolokia in camel.debug profile of generated Spring Boot project with Camel JBang
- CAMEL-21064
- camel-as2 - Be case insensitive in http header parsing
- CAMEL-21055
- camel-core-model - Add disabled to marshal and unmarshal EIP
- CAMEL-21054
- camel-core-model - Can we make pollEnrich for static uri
- CAMEL-21053
- camel-xslt - All exchange properties should be avaiable
- CAMEL-21052
- camel-jbang - Export should not include camel-cli-connector by default
- CAMEL-21043
- Make SyncPropertiesMojo dynamically determine the POM template version for the org.apache:apache parent
- CAMEL-21040
- Review documentation: grammar, typos and other fixes
- CAMEL-21032
- Generate k8s service for health endpoint
- CAMEL-21031
- camel-aws-sqs: support for polling more than 10 messages from AWS SQS
- CAMEL-21026
- camel-pdf: simplify conversion from byte array to PDF
- CAMEL-21017
- camel-jbang: Consolidate OpenAPI options for export commands
- CAMEL-21016
- camel-jbang: Add support for multiple build properties
- CAMEL-21015
- When a plugin cannot be found, log a warning and continue execution instad of failing the command
- CAMEL-21011
- Improve error message when Camel Jbang has unmatched arguments by mentioning possibility that a plugin is missing
- CAMEL-21006
- Allow kubernetes export without image registry
- CAMEL-20990
- camel-jbang: startup, readiness and liveness probes in kubernetes spring-boot
- CAMEL-20989
- camel-jbang: Improve label matching in kubernetes spring-boot
- CAMEL-20979
- null operation name when using contract first api
- CAMEL-20978
- camel-core - Store timestamp for last route error
- CAMEL-20977
- camel-core - Starting and stopping routes via jbang or JMX should WARN log if failing
- CAMEL-20976
- camel-jbang: Consolidate export dependencies
- CAMEL-20975
- camel-jbang: Derive image group from project groupId
- CAMEL-20973
- log eip - Make it possible to configure log name more dynamic
- CAMEL-20972
- camel-jbang - Be able to see route error message and stacktrace
- CAMEL-20970
- camel-main - Allow to configure MainListener via application.properties
- CAMEL-20967
- camel-main - Setting variable via properties should support int/long/boolean types
- CAMEL-20963
- Migrate camel-main Kubernetes export functionality to JBang plugin
- CAMEL-20947
- Enable Jolokia in camel.debug profile of generated Quarkus project with Camel JBang
- CAMEL-20869
- camel-spring-rabbitmq properties of "skip" is not implement
- CAMEL-20774
- camel-core-xml - Align the type tns:keyStoreParametersFactoryBean to the object KeyStoreParameters
- CAMEL-20638
- camel-platform-http - Do not return http request headers
- CAMEL-20569
- camel-catalog - Can we markup what functions and operations languages have for tooling assistance
- CAMEL-20393
- Splunk-hec, splunk: add ssl configuration into the component
- CAMEL-20237
- camel-platform-http-main - Make it possible to configure http auth
- CAMEL-20097
- camel-platform-http-starter - Can we support the new useStreaming option
- CAMEL-19182
- camel-platform-http-starter - Async processing with Spring Boot
New Feature (29)
- CAMEL-21178
- camel-jbang - Add browse command to browse endpoints
- CAMEL-21173
- Camel-Jbang Dev Console: Add Kubernetes Vault support
- CAMEL-21172
- Camel-Jbang Dev Console: Add Hashicorp Vault support
- CAMEL-21167
- Camel-Spring-Boot: Kubernetes Secrets Trigger context reloading on update support
- CAMEL-21142
- Kubernetes Secrets: Trigger context reloading on update
- CAMEL-21119
- Improve support for java.nio.file.Path
- CAMEL-21110
- camel-jbang - Make it easy to service HTML/JS pages
- CAMEL-21105
- Camel-Kubernetes: Configmap creation should allow to add annotations
- CAMEL-21103
- camel-platform-http-main - Add download functionality
- CAMEL-21094
- Merge multiple PDF files in camel-pdf
- CAMEL-21036
- Recovering cloud native properties
- CAMEL-21021
- Camel-AWS-Secrets-Manager: Give the ability of refreshing the context on Secrets update by using Eventbridge service instead of pure Cloudtrail
- CAMEL-21001
- camel-jbang: Kubernetes plugin: Add Route trait
- CAMEL-21000
- camel-jbang: Kubernetes plugin: Add Ingress trait
- CAMEL-20996
- camel-solr: revive component and upgrade to the latest version
- CAMEL-20987
- camel-tahu: Create Sparkplug B component with Eclipse Tahu library
- CAMEL-20985
- camel-jbang: Kubernetes plugin: Support Camel K integrations and pipes in export
- CAMEL-20984
- camel-jbang: Kubernetes plugin: Complete container trait options
- CAMEL-20983
- camel-jbang: Kubernetes plugin: Knative trait profile
- CAMEL-20982
- camel-jbang: Kubernetes plugin: Add service trait
- CAMEL-20980
- Allow to set custom Jackson object mapper on the JSON Schema Validator
- CAMEL-20971
- camel - aws - S3 getObject consumer does not accept dynamic keyname
- CAMEL-20962
- camel-jbang: SpringBoot support in Kubernetes plugin
- CAMEL-20956
- camel-kafka - Add dev console
- CAMEL-20935
- Camel langchain4j web-search
- CAMEL-20904
- camel-jbang - Run and deploy to Kubernetes
- CAMEL-20896
- Camel migration tool
- CAMEL-20468
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support available models
- CAMEL-6070
- camel-test - Add annotations to configure test class instead of using methods
Sub-task (5)
- CAMEL-21171
- Kubernetes Secrets: Trigger context reloading on update - Add info for console with last update
- CAMEL-21169
- Kubernetes Secrets: Trigger context reloading on update - Documentation
- CAMEL-21025
- Camel-AWS-Secrets-Manager: Give the ability of refreshing the context on Secrets update by using Eventbridge service instead of pure Cloudtrail - Spring Boot support
- CAMEL-21024
- Camel-AWS-Secrets-Manager: Eventbridge/SQS notifications documentation
- CAMEL-20765
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text Embeddings V2
Task (22)
- CAMEL-21270
- camel-jbang: tests are using too much resources in the $TMP
- CAMEL-21106
- camel-jbang - Export to main should keep support for jib/jkube
- CAMEL-21098
- camel-test-support - Using junit global store is not working reliable
- CAMEL-21067
- camel-univocity: deprecate due to unmaintained library
- CAMEL-21062
- Azure Key Vault Properties function: Add documentation about creating required infra
- CAMEL-21061
- Google Secrets Manager Properties function: Add documentation about creating required infra
- CAMEL-21060
- AWS Secrets Manager Properties function: Add documentation about creating required infra
- CAMEL-21058
- Camel-upgrade-recipes: cover upgrading camel 4.5 to 4.6
- CAMEL-21050
- Camel-upgrade-recipes: cover upgradig camel 4.4 to 4.5
- CAMEL-21047
- Camel-crypto: Bouncycastle dependency is not required with extracted PGPdataFormat
- CAMEL-21042
- camel-guava-eventbus - Deprecate
- CAMEL-21038
- Fix camel-spring.xsd generation to make it consistent
- CAMEL-21023
- Camel-Spring-Boot: Add Langchain component starters Integration tests
- CAMEL-21022
- Create Camel Langchain4j Web Search Starter
- CAMEL-21020
- Remove obsolete integration tests for camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin
- CAMEL-21012
- camel-milvus: action name mismatch with embeddings
- CAMEL-21010
- camel-milvus: collection name mismatch with embeddings
- CAMEL-20986
- camel-ai: improve chunking support
- CAMEL-20955
- Add JBang plugin modules to Camel BOM
- CAMEL-20952
- source javadoc issues
- CAMEL-20838
- camel-test: block usages of internal APIs.
- CAMEL-20012
- camel-quartz - replace Thread.sleep() in tests
Test (6)
- CAMEL-21147
- MulticastRouteTest.testRoute test is failing
- CAMEL-21146
- Several soap tests are failing with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jvnet/staxex/util/XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriter$Breakpoint
- CAMEL-21143
- camel-tahu: unstable tests are blocking the CI
- CAMEL-21125
- Fix issue related to flaky test MulticastRouteTest.testRoute
- CAMEL-21123
- Fix issue related to flaky test SimpleLRUCacheTest.concurrentPut
- CAMEL-21108
- AMQPRouteTraceFrameTest.testTraceFrame is failing on main branch
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