Apache camel 4.7.0 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 4.7.0 release.
Supported Java version
This version supports Java 17 and 21.Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use Spring Boot spring-boot-dependencies
and Camel camel-spring-boot-bom
Bill of Materials (BOM):
<version> SPRING BOOT VERSION HERE </version>
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-4.7.0-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.7.0-sbom.xml (SBOM, CycloneDX XML) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
apache-camel-4.7.0-sbom.json (SBOM, CycloneDX JSON) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-4.7.0
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-4.7.0
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (57)
- CAMEL-20965
- InputStreamCache is not thread-safe
- CAMEL-20949
- camel-bean - Method parameters with both type and property placeholder does not work
- CAMEL-20946
- Generated Quarkus project from JBang is not working with Camel Debug
- CAMEL-20939
- camel-jbang - unable to load profile
- CAMEL-20932
- camel-core - Error handler redelivery options should support template parameters for route templates
- CAMEL-20929
- camel-core - Properties component with ignore missing property should also ignore from functions
- CAMEL-20921
- Route configuration is not loaded on a Camel application XML file
- CAMEL-20920
- RouteLoader: Can't load a valid route with the same location after a previous load error
- CAMEL-20911
- Maven build failure for Camel JBang exported Quarkus app
- CAMEL-20906
- NPE in RouteWatcherReloadStrategy.onRouteReload(RouteWatcherReloadStrategy.java:300)
- CAMEL-20890
- Use Step ID's in routeTemplate
- CAMEL-20889
- camel-core: Stream is not reset when Message.getBody(class) is invoked ans stream caching is enabled
- CAMEL-20887
- generated PojoBeanModel is missing the artifact
- CAMEL-20877
- camel-jbang ignores jib-maven-plugin-version
- CAMEL-20873
- camel-platform-http-vertx: Responses may not complete if exceptions are thrown in VertxPlatformHttpSupport.writeResponse
- CAMEL-20866
- SEDA with exchangepattern InOnly gives sometimes multiple responses
- CAMEL-20864
- camel-kafka - With confluent schema registry does not work properly.
- CAMEL-20863
- camel-langchain4j-chat: NPE if only producer is used
- CAMEL-20859
- camel-jbang - Transforming a yaml route to xml specifying a folder is generating a yaml file
- CAMEL-20853
- Rest DSL - Rest routes can not be grouped anymore
- CAMEL-20850
- LRUCache evicts entries unexpectedly
- CAMEL-20847
- camel-jbang - Run with jolokia enabled does not work
- CAMEL-20841
- DataSonnet expressions are removed under memory load
- CAMEL-20840
- Cannot cast ResumeActionAwareAdapter to KinesisResumeAdapter
- CAMEL-20839
- camel-jbang - Run with openapi in sub folder does not work
- CAMEL-20835
- OOM using RecipientList
- CAMEL-20834
- camel-salesforce - A NullPointException in SubscriptionHelper.subscribe() interrupts platform-event subscription
- CAMEL-20823
- camel-smb component polling doesn't account for directories
- CAMEL-20820
- camel-core - Duplicate JMX MBean operation for resource endpoints
- CAMEL-20819
- camel-jbang - Reload mode with supervising route controller does not reload routes
- CAMEL-20818
- camel-yaml-dsl - errorHandler does not have id field as all other YAML elements
- CAMEL-20816
- Camel-JBang: Export to quarkus does not honor quarkusGroupId setting
- CAMEL-20815
- exchange.getVariable does not get Global variables in custom processor
- CAMEL-20812
- camel-netty-http: hostnameVerification option not used
- CAMEL-20799
- camel-catalog - Model schema for setHeaders and setVariables does not include array of element
- CAMEL-20790
- kafka batching consumer polls randomly failing with NPE under load
- CAMEL-20783
- camel export --runtime=quarkus does not work with custom camel.jbang.quarkusVersion
- CAMEL-20778
- Intercept created using AdviceWithRouteBuilder causes issues with error handling (regression)
- CAMEL-20771
- camel-jbang - Does not hot-reload java source changes
- CAMEL-20769
- camel-jms: TemporaryReplyQueueExceptionListener may be causing an endless lock
- CAMEL-20768
- camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository flushes DB on start
- CAMEL-20767
- camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible
- CAMEL-20763
- Rest template with underscore fails after Camel 4.2.0
- CAMEL-20761
- camel-debug - Message history must be enabled
- CAMEL-20758
- camel-spring-boot - Debugger is created twice
- CAMEL-20752
- camel-saga - NPE in compesating
- CAMEL-20750
- camel-yaml-dsl - Rest DSL with enableCORS does not work
- CAMEL-20746
- Bean deserialisation from YAML displays message displays wrong nodeType
- CAMEL-20738
- camel-jasypt-starter - PropertiesParser cannot be redefined
- CAMEL-20660
- camel-azure-servicebus: Consumer fails to acknowledge messages
- CAMEL-20493
- camel-core: concurrency issue copying headers
- CAMEL-18821
- camel-core - Thread hangs on transacted routes after aggregation and multiplex (possibly more)
- CAMEL-18384
- Split/Aggregation parallelProcessing+parallelAggregate is sequential
- CAMEL-17829
- camel-as2 - issue in MDN response condition
- CAMEL-17110
- Camel-Kamelets: While using AWS S3 source noticed files were deleted before being consumed at all
- CAMEL-16829
- camel-core - Stuck processing with nested parallel splits and custom thread pool
- CAMEL-15903
- Master component do not retry endpoint startup on failure
Dependency upgrade (7)
- CAMEL-20941
- camel-parquest-avro - Should include needed hadoop JARs
- CAMEL-20830
- camel-jetty - Upgrading causes SSL tests to fail
- CAMEL-20800
- camel-couchdb: gson upgrade to 2.11.0 breaks the component
- CAMEL-20788
- Use another protobuf-maven-plugin
- CAMEL-20779
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to SB 3.3.0
- CAMEL-20600
- camel-activemq - Upgrade to ActiveMQ classic 6.x or create camel-activemq6
- CAMEL-20304
- Upgrade dizitart nitrite to 4+
Improvement (81)
- CAMEL-20948
- camel-util-json doesn't handle streaming correctly
- CAMEL-20945
- camel-jbang - Run java route without need for class wrapper
- CAMEL-20944
- camel-jbang - Generate plugin should validate file exists
- CAMEL-20934
- camel-seda - Sending to consumers should use callback for completion work
- CAMEL-20933
- rest-dsl - Add option to configure stream cache per route
- CAMEL-20931
- camel-core - Add substring function to simple languge
- CAMEL-20930
- camel-core - Bean DSL dev console
- CAMEL-20928
- camel-jbang - Export beans with ENV variable properties should silent ignore ENV missing
- CAMEL-20926
- camel-core - Add fromRouteId function to simple language
- CAMEL-20924
- camel-http - Add oauth2scope parameter
- CAMEL-20922
- Camel-crypto: Extract PGPdataFormat to another component
- CAMEL-20903
- camel-jbang - Only load custom plugin if in use
- CAMEL-20902
- camel-jbang - Running with older version causes plugin download problems
- CAMEL-20901
- camel-arangodb: Add the option to provide a custom Vertx instance
- CAMEL-20900
- camel-jbang-plugin-k add --integration-profile flag on run command
- CAMEL-20898
- camel-core - Deep copy of route templates
- CAMEL-20897
- camel-core - Allow to use $simple{xxx} inside RAW(xxx) for more power
- CAMEL-20895
- camel-djl - The image classification predictors should not round the resulted probabilities
- CAMEL-20892
- Misleading error message when Kamelet misses mandatory field value
- CAMEL-20891
- Improve the catalog documentation for Processor's Ref attribute.
- CAMEL-20881
- camel-core - Log should not need to create DefaultPollingConsumerPollStrategy
- CAMEL-20879
- camel-core - Unique exchange counter
- CAMEL-20868
- camel-aws-xray-starter
- CAMEL-20865
- camel-elasticsearch-rest-client: Add usage details to component documentation
- CAMEL-20861
- Add endpoint service location to default tracing
- CAMEL-20860
- camel-core - Endpoint should have isRemote method
- CAMEL-20857
- Keep all extensions of filename when transforming routes from folder with Camel Jbang
- CAMEL-20856
- camel-jbang - Do not write pid file if PID_IS_UNDEFINED
- CAMEL-20852
- Allow empty files within ZipAggregationStrategy
- CAMEL-20851
- camel-elasticsearch-rest-client: Sniffer should be closed on producer stop
- CAMEL-20849
- Move TransformerKey and ValidatorKey to the SPI
- CAMEL-20848
- camel-jbang - Export should only jib if no jkube is in use
- CAMEL-20846
- camel-elasticsearch-rest-client: Add component options
- CAMEL-20845
- camel-core - Simple language to make it easy to replace texts
- CAMEL-20842
- Add endpoint service location to backlog tracing
- CAMEL-20836
- camel-qdrant: Add support for deleting a collection
- CAMEL-20833
- Add recursive option to camel-smb
- CAMEL-20832
- camel-openapi-java - Validate message body for json using a json schema valdaitor
- CAMEL-20829
- Streamline ServicePool synchronization
- CAMEL-20828
- camel-platform-http - Allow to known if platform engine is in use or not without triggering creation
- CAMEL-20824
- camel-core - Backlog tracer should include internal exchange properties
- CAMEL-20821
- camel-opentelemetry - Add traceProcessors boolean option
- CAMEL-20810
- camel-jbang - Add camel get platform-http command
- CAMEL-20808
- camel-etcd - Setting endpoint should be tooling friendly
- CAMEL-20804
- camel-cloud - Deprecate camel-cloud
- CAMEL-20803
- camel-spring-rabbitmq - Configuring maximumRetryAttempts should accept 0
- CAMEL-20798
- camel-tracing - Add servername to more decorators
- CAMEL-20795
- camel-nats - NATS Credential file support
- CAMEL-20794
- Camel-kinesis: Kinesis producer has a very low throughtput
- CAMEL-20789
- camel-kubernetes - Secrets and Config Maps with binay content should be saved as binary file, instead of String in property resolver
- CAMEL-20787
- Camel-kinesis: Kinesis consumer set body type InputStream, which is not a common record type
- CAMEL-20776
- Camel-kinesis: Listing shard before every record request will increase extra latency
- CAMEL-20775
- camel-hashicorp-vault - configure multiple engines
- CAMEL-20773
- camel-health - Consumer health checks should be skipped for non autoStartup routes
- CAMEL-20766
- camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled
- CAMEL-20762
- camel-core - Move detection of camel-debug JAR to camel-main
- CAMEL-20760
- camel-core - Allow to turn on|off RMI connector for tooling based debuggers
- CAMEL-20759
- camel-as2 update client to support compression before signing
- CAMEL-20757
- camel-debug - Use the lightweight xml-io for route dumper
- CAMEL-20755
- camel-kamelet - Default location should be without leading slash for classpath
- CAMEL-20749
- camel-core - ThrottlingExceptionRoutePolicy should have default values
- CAMEL-20748
- camel-core - Route policy should have Route injected if RouteAware
- CAMEL-20747
- Remove usage of deprecated Spring Security classes for route policies
- CAMEL-20745
- camel-core-dsl - Add support for constructors to lookup beans
- CAMEL-20743
- camel-model - Load Balancer EIPs to be named with LoadBalancer to be consistent in naming style
- CAMEL-20645
- camel-jbang-plugin-k run command telemetry trait parameters ignored
- CAMEL-20608
- camel-jbang - Improve the docker image
- CAMEL-20586
- camel-jbang - Export to CSB can use camel.main.xxx properties
- CAMEL-20547
- camel-openapi-rest-dsl-generator - Migrate from apicurio models to openapi3 models
- CAMEL-20500
- camel-jbang - Move generate commands to its own plugin
- CAMEL-20439
- camel-cloudevents - Move API to camel-api
- CAMEL-20407
- camel-datasonnet - Add support for variables
- CAMEL-20244
- camel-core - Supervising route controller should default be DOWN during restarting and exhaust phase
- CAMEL-19915
- Camel AS2 doesn't support compressed before signed
- CAMEL-19897
- camel-core: remove isStatisticsEnabled from type converter statistics
- CAMEL-19398
- camel-core: type converter performs slowly due to exception-based flow control
- CAMEL-19010
- file component: confirm not called on idempotentRepository
- CAMEL-18962
- camel-as2 - AS2Consumer always accepts unencrpted/unsigned data
- CAMEL-18186
- camel-saga: tracing information is not propagate on compensation/completion
- CAMEL-17502
- add documentation about event notifier
- CAMEL-17111
- Camel-AWS2-S3: Supporting Consumer idempotency in some way
New Feature (18)
- CAMEL-20909
- Camel-Aws-Kinesis: Support KCL Consumers
- CAMEL-20905
- camel-djl - Support more model applications
- CAMEL-20878
- camel-jbang - get rest
- CAMEL-20827
- Add endpoint service location to aws, azure and google components
- CAMEL-20825
- camel-rest - Contract first for api-doc should include the spec
- CAMEL-20822
- camel-langchain4j-chat - implement tool capabilities
- CAMEL-20754
- Support MQTT5 Publish Properties in Paho-MQTT5 component
- CAMEL-20739
- Camel-Pinecone: Add a datatype for transforming langchain embeddings in Pinecone objects
- CAMEL-20728
- camel-aws2s3 Stream Producer should support multipart loading
- CAMEL-20725
- Camel-Pinecone: Add more producer operations
- CAMEL-20679
- camel-smb: create a producer for the component
- CAMEL-20617
- camel-rest - Add RestRegistryConsole
- CAMEL-20573
- Camel-Milvus: Evaluating if creating a converter like qdrant component makes sense
- CAMEL-20217
- Provide option to create a Pipe file through Camel Jbang init
- CAMEL-20216
- Provide documentation on option to create a kamelet file through Camel Jbang init
- CAMEL-19985
- camel-smooks - Add component for Smooks for EDI data mapping
- CAMEL-18546
- camel-core - HostedService - To mark a consumer as a Camel hosted service
- CAMEL-6070
- camel-test - Add annotations to configure test class instead of using methods
Sub-task (7)
- CAMEL-20916
- Camel-AWS-Kinesis: KCL Consumers, add documentation
- CAMEL-20914
- Camel-AWS-Kinesis: KCL Consumers add an example
- CAMEL-20913
- Camel-AWS-Kinesis: KCL Consumers, add support for profile/default/session credentials for Cloudwatch and DynamoDB clients
- CAMEL-20912
- Camel-AWS-Kinesis: KCL Consumers add parameters for passing Cloudwatch and DynamoDB Clients
- CAMEL-20764
- Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text G1 Premier model
- CAMEL-20222
- Provide documentation on option to create kamelet on Camel website
- CAMEL-20221
- Provide documentation on option to create kamelet in CLI help
Task (27)
- CAMEL-21077
- Camel-upgrade-recipes: cover upgrading camel 4.6 to 4.7
- CAMEL-20917
- camel-jbang: Camel Jbang is unable to load external plugins
- CAMEL-20893
- camel-jms: simplify JmsRouteRequestReplyTest
- CAMEL-20885
- Deprecate kotlin
- CAMEL-20884
- Improve performance of Camel Package Maven plugin
- CAMEL-20880
- Move AI related component to camel-ai middle folder
- CAMEL-20843
- camel-test: extract interface and common parts from CamelTestSupport
- CAMEL-20826
- The camel-package-maven-plugin:generate mvn goal does not produce reproducible jandex.idx files
- CAMEL-20813
- camel-infinispan: tests should use singleton containers
- CAMEL-20792
- camel-jpa: upgrade to OpenJPA 4 breaks the tests
- CAMEL-20785
- camel-test: CamelTestSupport has become inadequatedly designed
- CAMEL-20782
- camel-test-infra-mongodb: MongoDB 5 requires hosts with AVX
- CAMEL-20777
- Intercept Java DSL is not supported on the route scope
- CAMEL-20751
- camel-spring-xml - Add back <camel> to XSD
- CAMEL-20722
- camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs
- CAMEL-20680
- camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstErrorSeekIssueIT test duration
- CAMEL-20648
- Example for spring-boot-infinispan should update infinispan
- CAMEL-20634
- Create a centralized variable for the header name CamelLangChain4jEmbeddingsVector
- CAMEL-20585
- Camel-package-maven-plugin: generates test configurers in non-tests artifacts
- CAMEL-20414
- Add CloudEvent Transformers to cloud oriented component
- CAMEL-20309
- olingo2 build error using `/component-test` on CI
- CAMEL-19659
- camel-fhir: slow tests
- CAMEL-19546
- camel-tarfile: replace Thread.sleep in tests
- CAMEL-19544
- camel-sql: replace Thread.sleep in tests
- CAMEL-19523
- camel-iec60870: replace Thread.sleep in tests
- CAMEL-19228
- camel-couchbase: Integration tests are unstable with Couchbase 7
- CAMEL-16364
- Camel-tracing: Add more decorators
Test (3)
- CAMEL-20943
- camel-jbang - Add openapi generate integration test
- CAMEL-20215
- camel-mllp - MllpTcpServerConsumerOptionalEndOfDataWithValidationTest.testMessageWithoutEndOfDataByte is failing on JDK21
- CAMEL-19639
- camel-etc3 - Etcd3RoutePolicyIT is failing
Wish (1)
- CAMEL-20894
- EventNotifier: Not all steps are triggered as events
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