Apache camel-quarkus 3.9.0 Release

New and Noteworthy

Supported Java version

This version supports Java 17 and 21.

Apache Camel Quarkus

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with 3.9.0 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-quarkus.git
cd camel-quarkus
git checkout 3.9.0

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

OpenAPI model not considering mixins in natibe build
Jasypt password sysenv: prefix leads to an NPE at build time if the environment variable does not exist
jsh-dsl integration test fails on Windows
java-joor-dsl integration test fails on Windows
git native integration test fails with NoSuchMethodException
Adding camel-quarkus-google-pubsub to project leads to ClassNotFoundException: io.vertx.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Create Qdrant JVM only extension
Only include CloudEvents transformer service pattern if camel-quarkus-cloudevents is on the classpath
Enable web.xml to be used to configure CamelHttpTransportServlet for the servlet extension
Add additional options to Servlet extension configuration
jt400: add mock tests and make them work in native
beanio extension metadata is not up to date
FOP FopTest.convertToPdf hangs on Windows
[quarkus-main] Native build may fail with ClassNotFoundException when quarkus-jaxb is on the classpath
Add capability to configure `MultiPartConfig` for `CamelServlet`
Usage of `CamelHttpTransportServlet` results in CDI bean removal


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